What's the difference between smother and suppress?



  • (v. t.) To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child.
  • (v. t.) To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick covering, as of ashes, of smoke, or the like; as, to smother a fire.
  • (v. t.) Hence, to repress the action of; to cover from public view; to suppress; to conceal; as, to smother one's displeasure.
  • (v. i.) To be suffocated or stifled.
  • (v. i.) To burn slowly, without sufficient air; to smolder.
  • (v. t.) Stifling smoke; thick dust.
  • (v. t.) A state of suppression.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) As attorneys who practice asylum law, we believe deeply in our nation’s obligation to provide real protection to refugees, but the Obama administration’s willful disregard of existing asylum laws and procedures – and its smothering of due process with detention and rapid deportation – is truly appalling.
  • (2) Brad Guzan produced a superb save to deny Ayew, rushing off his line to smother a left-foot shot from six yards out, and 33 seconds later the Swansea forward’s brother had the ball in the net at the other end.
  • (3) Conveniently, it is not far from the Via Algarviana , allowing us to leave the car and hike the stretch to Alte (16km), passing shuttered houses smothered in creepers in old, abandoned villages.
  • (4) Buffon's understudy Marchetti gets down brilliantly to smother the cross.
  • (5) Instead, the least attractive aspects of London 2012, the ZiL lanes and the Visa-only policy and McDonald's and Coca-Cola as purveyors of sustenance to a sporting nation, were smothered not only by the competition but by the ocean of good humour fostered by the joviality of the volunteers, the inspirational architecture and the attention given to the natural landscape (with apologies to those who had to move to make room for it all).
  • (6) Later, when it was realised that pieces of aluminium and magnesium among this waste could catch fire and cause widespread contamination, inert argon gas had to be pumped in to smother potential blazes.
  • (7) Updated at 5.30pm BST 5.13pm BST Game and second set to Roger Federer Rewind the clocks and smother the future , the venerable Roger Federer isn't Wimbledon history yet.
  • (8) Our descent into Delhi was delayed because of fog, we were told, but the nicotine-coloured blanket smothering this dynamic Indian city was a malignant smog.
  • (9) Bayern are braced for their visitors to employ similar tactics to those that deflated Barcelona in their semi-final, a smothering defence and bite on the break game-plan that has drawn local criticism in print from Günter Netzer and Matthias Sammer.
  • (10) The wall of ice that rises behind Sermilik fjord stretches for 1,500 miles (2,400km) from north to south and smothers 80% of this country.
  • (11) The decision by the MP for Mid Bedfordshire to become the first serving MP to take part in the show, which features famous faces performing in stunts that in the past have included being smothered in insects and eating a kangaroo's penis, could keep her from parliamentary and constituency business for a month.
  • (12) Hazard is sent off for kicking the ball under a ballboy attempting to smother the ball rather than return it.
  • (13) The forward bustled in, stealing the ball and holding off the centre-half as he attempted to wrest it back, before ripping a glorious shot from a horribly tight angle into the far top corner as Ben Foster edged out to smother.
  • (14) He's never quite in control, though, and his attempted lift into the net is smothered by the outrushing Ospina.
  • (15) Before he came to the UK, Darius trained in Poland, learning how to perform a cut-throat shave by smothering an inflated balloon in shaving foam and then removing it with a single blade.
  • (16) Sediment can smother seagrasses, which are the key food source of dugongs and sea turtles, and damage corals.
  • (17) White supremacy in America won’t let our black young children be kids, swim or receive congratulations while graduating without having the breath, light and life smothered right out of them.
  • (18) Liverpool had threatened only sporadically, although Kasper Schmeichel did make a decent save to smother Coutinho’s shot.
  • (19) The Quagga mussel ( Dreissena rostriformis bugensis ), which was found in the river Wraysbury on 1 October and can cover boat hulls and smother native mussels to death, is just one of a group of freshwater species that has been spreading westward from the Ponto-Caspian region in south-east Europe in recent years and which risk causing a “meltdown” as they invade Britain.
  • (20) It added: "We have long argued that stamp duty is a tax on aspiration that smothered the natural demand of the market.



  • (v. t.) To overpower and crush; to subdue; to put down; to quell.
  • (v. t.) To keep in; to restrain from utterance or vent; as, to suppress the voice; to suppress a smile.
  • (v. t.) To retain without disclosure; to conceal; not to reveal; to prevent publication of; as, to suppress evidence; to suppress a pamphlet; to suppress the truth.
  • (v. t.) To stop; to restrain; to arrest the discharges of; as, to suppress a diarrhea, or a hemorrhage.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The various evocational changes appear to form sets of interconnected systems and this complex network seems to embody some plasticity since it has been possible to suppress experimentally some of the most universal evocational events or alter their temporal order without impairing evocation itself.
  • (2) More than 2 months after the combined treatment were required for the suppression.
  • (3) These data indicate that RNA faithfully transfers "suppressive" as well as "positive" types of immune responses that have been reported previously for lymphocytes obtained directly from tumour-bearing and tumour-immune animals.
  • (4) Reactive metabolites which suppress splenic humoral immune responses are thought to be generated within the spleen rather than in distant tissues.
  • (5) Actinomycin D could suppress the effects of RSD feeding on the protein synthetic rate of some, but not of all, secretory proteins.
  • (6) This observation, reinforced by simultaneous determinations of cortisol levels in the internal spermatic and antecubital veins, practically excluded the validity of the theory of adrenal hormonal suppression of testicular tissues.
  • (7) Our results show that large complex lipid bodies and extensive accumulations of glycogen are valuable indicators of a functionally suppressed chief cell in atrophic parathyroid glands.
  • (8) This condition may be caused by the prolonged, repetitive elevations of gonadal steroids and other hormones known to suppress gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion that are elicited by their daily exercise.
  • (9) Faisal Abu Shahla, a senior official in Fatah, an organisation responsible for a good deal of repression of its own when it was in power, accuses Hamas of holding 700 political prisoners in Gaza as part of a broad campaign to suppress dissent.
  • (10) After several months, a temporal discrimination was well established, as shown by maximum suppression toward the end of the signal period.
  • (11) More chronic use of alcohol resulted in a suppression of LH.
  • (12) The suppressive effect was induced by pre-incubation of either T cells or B cells with the GG preparations for 1 h, at 37 degrees C in PWM-induced immunoglobulin (Ig) production.
  • (13) Thyroid hormones suppress transcription of the gene for the beta-subunit of thyrotropin (TSH beta).
  • (14) We investigated this suppression quantitatively, using a chemical assay for cell-bound and dissolved capsular polysaccharide.
  • (15) In investigation of AMLR composed of peripheral blood cells and spleen cells of gastric cancer patient, AMLR on splenic non-T cells as a stimulator was significantly suppressed compared with peripheral blood non-T cells as a stimulator.
  • (16) Research must continue to determine the optimal regimen that suppresses testosterone activity with the least amount of toxicity.
  • (17) The high concentrations of gonadotropins present in immature female rats by the end of the second week of life were suppressed by treatment with an antagonist against luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH-A; Org.
  • (18) Such a science puts men in a couple of scientific laws and suppresses the moment of active doing (accepting or refusing) as a sufficient preassumption of reality.
  • (19) With respect to the K current, however, they clearly differ from the AP's in their mode of suppression.
  • (20) CoQ10 suppressed the mentioned phenomenon in regenerating liver.