What's the difference between snipper and snipping?



  • (n.) One who snips.

Example Sentences:



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Snip

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It's so magnificent, like the swishing mane of a thoroughbred stallion … Too late, snip snip, off it comes.
  • (2) This paper describes the external ear anomalies found in this syndrome: short wide pinnae, often cupped and asymmetrical; distinctive triangular concha; discontinuity between the antihelix and antitragus; and 'snipped-off' portions of the helical folds.
  • (3) This fluorescent bile salt derivative is not only taken up by hepatocytes of several cell layers at the surface of the snips but also secreted into bile canaliculi.
  • (4) Skin snips from newborn children and biopsy material from the umbilical cord and placenta of their mothers were examined.
  • (5) If you make a small diagonal snip in each corner of the paper, it will help fit the paper snugly into the corners of the tin.
  • (6) Twelve months after initial treatment, 15 of 41 (37%) patients had positive skin-snip test results and eight of 26 (31%) showed active ocular involvement.
  • (7) To get around this handicap, the character employs a recording of scissor-snip noises and barber’s small-talk to convince his client he’s actually doing the job he was hired for.
  • (8) The diagnostic potential of skin snips from different body regions was evaluated in 97 onchocerciasis patients of Central Nigeria.
  • (9) Muscle strips and adipose tissue snips were incubated with 0.75 mM [1-14C]palmitate and 5 mM glucose.
  • (10) Sixteen of 23 patients who underwent gonioscopy had PAS of which 13 had positive skin snips for onchocerciasis, compared with two out of seven patients with positive skin snips who had open angle glaucoma (p = 0.003).
  • (11) But skin snips harboring Onchocerca microfilariae are seen in 12.1% of the sample studied.
  • (12) A total of 52 bilharzial mansoni patients were examined, 20 patients with early intestinal infection with living ova in stools, 20 patients with hepatosplenomegaly but without ascites, also with viable ova in stools, and 12 patients with hepatosplenomegaly and ascites without ova in stools; but in the rectal snip.
  • (13) Of 61 persons examined in eight villages 35 (= 57%) were found positive for microfilariae by the skin-snip method, 13 had typical manifestations of sowda, 17 had other onchocercal-suggestive skin lesions and five had subcutaneous nodules.
  • (14) Criteria for parasitological cure were the absence of live eggs in two stool samples and a negative rectal snip biopsy three months after therapy.
  • (15) Microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus were observed in nearly one half of the skin snips taken from the village residents.
  • (16) Katrantzou herself dresses uniformly in black – in her serene London studios, where quiet seamstresses in neon and pastels snip busily at tables, hers seems to be the only shadow.
  • (17) If fewer than six skin snips are desired for a particular field study, the choice of how many skin snips to be taken should be based on the expected precision required for that study.
  • (18) The enterprise had a house-to-house censused population of 7,122 persons from whom 1,611 were examined for onchocerciasis using either taking of skin-snips or the Mazzotti test or both.
  • (19) The overall geometric mean microfilarial load was 18 microfilariae per skin snip.
  • (20) But the real issue, I suspect, is that to consent to an interview is to allow oneself to be framed and interpreted, to have your utterances snipped up and shunted around the page.

Words possibly related to "snipping"