(v. i.) To strike beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downward.
(v. i.) To bring down (the foot) forcibly on the ground or floor; as, he stamped his foot with rage.
(v. i.) To crush; to pulverize; specifically (Metal.), to crush by the blow of a heavy stamp, as ore in a mill.
(v. i.) To impress with some mark or figure; as, to stamp a plate with arms or initials.
(v. i.) Fig.: To impress; to imprint; to fix deeply; as, to stamp virtuous principles on the heart.
(v. i.) To cut out, bend, or indent, as paper, sheet metal, etc., into various forms, by a blow or suddenly applied pressure with a stamp or die, etc.; to mint; to coin.
(v. i.) To put a stamp on, as for postage; as, to stamp a letter; to stamp a legal document.
(v. i.) To strike; to beat; to crush.
(v. i.) To strike the foot forcibly downward.
(n.) The act of stamping, as with the foot.
(n.) The which stamps; any instrument for making impressions on other bodies, as a die.
(n.) The mark made by stamping; a mark imprinted; an impression.
(n.) that which is marked; a thing stamped.
(v. t.) A picture cut in wood or metal, or made by impression; a cut; a plate.
(v. t.) An offical mark set upon things chargeable with a duty or tax to government, as evidence that the duty or tax is paid; as, the stamp on a bill of exchange.
(v. t.) Hence, a stamped or printed device, issued by the government at a fixed price, and required by law to be affixed to, or stamped on, certain papers, as evidence that the government dues are paid; as, a postage stamp; a receipt stamp, etc.
(v. t.) An instrument for cutting out, or shaping, materials, as paper, leather, etc., by a downward pressure.
(v. t.) A character or reputation, good or bad, fixed on anything as if by an imprinted mark; current value; authority; as, these persons have the stamp of dishonesty; the Scriptures bear the stamp of a divine origin.
(v. t.) Make; cast; form; character; as, a man of the same stamp, or of a different stamp.
(v. t.) A kind of heavy hammer, or pestle, raised by water or steam power, for beating ores to powder; anything like a pestle, used for pounding or bathing.
(v. t.) A half-penny.
(v. t.) Money, esp. paper money.
Example Sentences:
(1) Hopes of a breakthrough are slim, though, after WTO members failed to agree a draft deal to rubber-stamp this week.
(2) The BBA statistics director, David Dooks, said: "It was no surprise to see the January mortgage figures falling back from December, when transactions were being pushed through to beat the end of stamp duty relief.
(3) Head chef Christopher Gould (a UK Masterchef quarter-finalist) puts his own stamp on traditional Spanish fare with the likes of mushroom-and-truffle croquettes and suckling Málaga goat with couscous.
(4) The immigration minister, Mark Harper, said: in a statement: "Today's operations highlight the routine work we are carrying out every day to stamp out illegal working.
(5) On Friday, Sollecito had his passport taken away and his ID card stamped to show he must not leave Italy, according to police.
(6) Currently, anyone buying a property for £175,000 or less avoids paying 1% stamp duty.
(7) This means 9 in 10 first time buyers will pay no stamp duty at all.
(8) He has some suggestions for what might be done, including easing changing the planning laws to free up parts of the green belt, financial incentives to persuade local authorities to build, and the replacement of the council tax and stamp duty land tax with a new local property tax with automatic annual revaluations.
(9) The IFRC announced it was expanding its operations in the three countries in a bid to stamp out the virus now that the case numbers have been reduced to between 20 and 27 a week, compared to hundreds a week at the disease’s peak.
(10) The stamps, which were similar in paper and size to Japanese 10-yen postage stamps, were wrapped around the penis before sleep and the stamp ring was checked for breakage the next morning.
(11) That means that the money being spent on food stamps is money that the government is paying to subsidize company profits: as businesses pay a minimum or near-minimumwage, their workers are forced to turn to government programs to make ends meet.
(12) But to leave with the result 1-0, I don’t believe too much that he can play.” Mourinho had actually walked on to the turf while his players celebrated their opening goal to stamp in some of the divots.
(13) A brief orientation to postage stamps and philately is given, and a small collection of rheumatologically related stamps is illustrated.
(14) Labour’s promise of a stamp duty holiday for first-time buyers will lead to higher house prices.
(15) First class stamps prices are rising by 1p, while a second class stamp will rise by the same amount to 55p.
(16) Solicitors, conveyancers and mortgage lenders are reporting a rush to complete house purchases before the reintroduction of stamp duty on properties costing less than £175,000 on 1 January.
(17) Committees too often rubber stamp these ingenious schemes with little real scrutiny.
(18) The final bill will most likely crack down on states that give recipients $1 in heating assistance in order to trigger higher food stamp benefits, a change that wouldn't take people completely off the rolls.
(19) The exhibition will include the earliest roadside pillar box erected on the mainland – in 1853, a year after the first went up in Jersey in the Channel Isles – and unique and priceless sheets of Penny Black stamps.
(20) Buy-to-let investors rush to complete before stamp duty rise Read more Even Osborne’s form of penalising the market, through higher stamp duty, makes no sense.
(n.) One who tends; one who takes care of any person or thing; a nurse.
(n.) A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like.
(n.) A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water.
(v. t.) To offer in payment or satisfaction of a demand, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture; as, to tender the amount of rent or debt.
(v. t.) To offer in words; to present for acceptance.
(n.) An offer, either of money to pay a debt, or of service to be performed, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture, which would be incurred by nonpayment or nonperformance; as, the tender of rent due, or of the amount of a note, with interest.
(n.) Any offer or proposal made for acceptance; as, a tender of a loan, of service, or of friendship; a tender of a bid for a contract.
(n.) The thing offered; especially, money offered in payment of an obligation.
(superl.) Easily impressed, broken, bruised, or injured; not firm or hard; delicate; as, tender plants; tender flesh; tender fruit.
(superl.) Sensible to impression and pain; easily pained.
(superl.) Physically weak; not hardly or able to endure hardship; immature; effeminate.
(superl.) Susceptible of the softer passions, as love, compassion, kindness; compassionate; pitiful; anxious for another's good; easily excited to pity, forgiveness, or favor; sympathetic.
(superl.) Exciting kind concern; dear; precious.
(superl.) Careful to save inviolate, or not to injure; -- with of.
(superl.) Unwilling to cause pain; gentle; mild.
(superl.) Adapted to excite feeling or sympathy; expressive of the softer passions; pathetic; as, tender expressions; tender expostulations; a tender strain.
(superl.) Apt to give pain; causing grief or pain; delicate; as, a tender subject.
(superl.) Heeling over too easily when under sail; -- said of a vessel.
(n.) Regard; care; kind concern.
(v. t.) To have a care of; to be tender toward; hence, to regard; to esteem; to value.
Example Sentences:
(1) Gross deformity, point tenderness and decrease in supination and pronation movements of the forearm were the best predictors of bony injury.
(2) The degree of discomfort was slightly greater in women who complained of breast tenderness within three days prior to the mammogram but was not strongly related to age, menstrual status, or week of the menstrual cycle.
(3) Xu, the ABP chairman, disputed any claims of impropriety, and said his company went through a “robust and thorough” tender process.
(4) These data suggest that d 7 MFI could be used as a single predictor of d 14 longissimus muscle tenderness; however, CDP inhibitor d 1 activity (a biological event) also may be useful in predicting tenderness.
(5) Eight of 47 LSNs overlying the posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS) were tender.
(6) If LTP is to be effective, thorough coagulation with tender blanching effects is mandatory.
(7) The remaining patients had vague pains, tender abdomen, constitutional symptoms or a mass in the abdomen.
(8) Seventy-nine percent of all subjects were skin-test positive to inhalant allergens, but positive skin tests alone did not correlate with the number of tender points or criteria for fibromyalgia.
(9) Permanent relief of tenderness in the needled structure was obtained for 92 structures; relief for several months in 58; for several weeks in 63; and for several days in 32 out of 288 pain sites followed up.
(10) Three infants presented with acute scrotal swelling, erythema, and a tender irreducible firm mass within the scrotum.
(11) Before and one, two, three, and seven days after the experiment, the following measures were made: (1) superficial masseter and anterior temporalis muscle tenderness (pain threshold), (2) jaw movement (opening and lateral excursion), and (3) current pain level for the right and left sides of the jaw.
(12) Increasing slaughter weight from 60 to 90% was associated with an increase in panel tenderness scores for loin steaks.
(13) Pericranial muscle tenderness and elevated EMG activity may index different aspects of abnormal muscle function.
(14) The results showed significant relief of spontaneous pain, significant reduction in tenderness on pressure and in swelling on days 2, 4 and 6 of the trial, and a significant reduction in functional impairment on days 4 and 6, in the patients who had received the 3% benzydamine cream.
(15) They showed symmetric weakness and tenderness of the proximal muscles, peripheral hypoesthesia and hypo even areflexia.
(16) Lamb leg and rib roasts were more tender when cooked from the thawed state.
(17) In the sensitized state, nociceptors can be activated by low-intensity stimulation; this is probably one of the mechanisms producing deep tenderness.
(18) The abdomen was tender with guarding and a palpable globular mass in the same region.
(19) A 25-year-old man on hemodialysis developed arthritis of 2 right metacarpophalangeal joints and a 65-year-old man on chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis suffered from pain and tenderness in the left buttock.
(20) Among 23 patients with daily headache a correlation was found between headache intensity and Total Tenderness Score.