

  • (n.) One who, or that which, sucks; esp., one of the organs by which certain animals, as the octopus and remora, adhere to other bodies.
  • (n.) A suckling; a sucking animal.
  • (n.) The embolus, or bucket, of a pump; also, the valve of a pump basket.
  • (n.) A pipe through which anything is drawn.
  • (n.) A small piece of leather, usually round, having a string attached to the center, which, when saturated with water and pressed upon a stone or other body having a smooth surface, adheres, by reason of the atmospheric pressure, with such force as to enable a considerable weight to be thus lifted by the string; -- used by children as a plaything.
  • (n.) A shoot from the roots or lower part of the stem of a plant; -- so called, perhaps, from diverting nourishment from the body of the plant.
  • (n.) Any one of numerous species of North American fresh-water cyprinoid fishes of the family Catostomidae; so called because the lips are protrusile. The flesh is coarse, and they are of little value as food. The most common species of the Eastern United States are the northern sucker (Catostomus Commersoni), the white sucker (C. teres), the hog sucker (C. nigricans), and the chub, or sweet sucker (Erimyzon sucetta). Some of the large Western species are called buffalo fish, red horse, black horse, and suckerel.
  • (n.) The remora.
  • (n.) The lumpfish.
  • (n.) The hagfish, or myxine.
  • (n.) A California food fish (Menticirrus undulatus) closely allied to the kingfish (a); -- called also bagre.
  • (n.) A parasite; a sponger. See def. 6, above.
  • (n.) A hard drinker; a soaker.
  • (n.) A greenhorn; one easily gulled.
  • (n.) A nickname applied to a native of Illinois.
  • (v. t.) To strip off the suckers or shoots from; to deprive of suckers; as, to sucker maize.
  • (v. i.) To form suckers; as, corn suckers abundantly.

Compare sucker with other words:

sacker vs. sucker

ducker vs. sucker

sucker vs. suckler

sucken vs. sucker

sicker vs. sucker

sucked vs. sucker

shucker vs. sucker

sucker vs. sucket

mucker vs. sucker

bucker vs. sucker

sucker vs. sulker

sucker vs. tucker

pucker vs. sucker

runner vs. sucker

amphistomous vs. sucker

quillback vs. sucker

sucker vs. surculose

stolon vs. sucker

obedience vs. sucker

stolen vs. sucker

mobile vs. sucker

sucker vs. suckered

cupule vs. sucker

scolex vs. sucker

sucker vs. trematode

bine vs. sucker

sucker vs. suckling

sucker vs. tiller

stool vs. sucker

object vs. sucker

sucker vs. thing

schlemiel vs. sucker

rube vs. sucker

patsy vs. sucker

mug vs. sucker

mark vs. sucker

gull vs. sucker

fool vs. sucker

fish vs. sucker

chump vs. sucker

gulled vs. sucker

fooled vs. sucker

lollipop vs. sucker

graft vs. sucker

rootstock vs. sucker

shrub vs. sucker

sucker vs. trunk

stem vs. sucker

candy vs. sucker

adhere vs. sucker

remora vs. sucker

organ vs. sucker

hag vs. sucker

puppy vs. sucker

acetabulum vs. sucker

octopus vs. sucker

pigeon vs. sucker