(v. i.) To hang or move, as something loose and heavy; to sway; to swing.
(v. i.) To sink down by its weight; to sag.
(n.) A swaying, irregular motion.
(n.) A burglar's or thief's booty; boodle.
Example Sentences:
(1) Then my 3rd was KFC and I knew he was right July 7, 2016 Already there are reports of churches and police stations being flooded by Pokémon Trainers keen to find rare Pokémon or grab swag from PokéStops.
(2) He sat on the main stage beneath a blue and yellow swagging.
(3) Henry and his team will be taking no prisoners until the swag is safely gathered in.
(4) The clip of him shacking out to the dubstep tune Swag Music became a particularly big hit.
(5) Invariably someone tweets a picture of a dog with pro-Israel swag , and it’s always absurd.
(6) "G osh," gasps Lucy Worsley, peering intently at Edward I's pendulous swags.
(7) Seeing as I've already broken the fashion ranks by revealing the Great 57th Birthday Denim Swag Haul, I shall further anger my style overlords by confessing I strongly disagree with this rule.
(8) Undoubtedly John Humphrys would ask him how he justifies his mighty swag to a striking staff on considerably less than the median.
(9) In a city of hustlers, tricksters, and go-getters, where the right dose of swag and gumption gets you farther than a college degree can, Furo is a bumbling non-entity.
(10) People push and cluster their way through the narrow alleyways between stands carrying big bags of swag – usually black T-shirts and posters and little action figures.
(11) One huckster inside the de facto pope swag bazaar at the Columbus Circle subway station confirmed that he would resell any tickets – any tickets he obtained whatsoever – at a higher price than he had paid.
(12) As Essence magazine recently swooned: “Mr Ali has some serious swag … from his cool demeanour and radiant smile to his deep laugh and dope style”.
(13) There is a lovely wisteria outside, forming great swags of flowers around the window - it feels like being in a treetop bower.
(14) Spiders slung swags and trusses of silk in every corner.
(15) I’ve shared slightly embarrassed glances with other suspected Pokémon Go players when we’ve all ended up crowded around the same landmark, unloading swag from the PokéStop – but my excitement when a Crabby appeared in the dairy section at the local supermarket was not shared by passing shoppers, who no doubt couldn’t work out why I was enthusiastically “photographing” milk.
(16) No, you might not be carrying the Chanel swag about your person (although you might – honestly, that Oxfam in Kensington is a goldmine), but you're still looking good, so enjoy it.
(17) UK commissions for ITV1 include SWAGS, a six-part drama series about service wives and girlfriends, and historical drama Mr Selfridge.
(18) I slept in a swag – basically, a glorified sleeping bag cover.
(19) Now that he’s got his second-term swag on, he’s able to let loose a little bit,” she said.
(20) Last month, the FBI director, James Comey, told an audience: “I put a piece of tape over the camera because I saw somebody smarter than I am had a piece of tape over their camera.” The corporate swag company Idea Stage Promotions describes its Webcam Cover 1.0 as “the HOTTEST PROMOTIONAL ITEM on the market today”.
() imp. of Swing.
(n.) A swamp.
(Archaic imp.) of Swing
Example Sentences:
(1) EPTFE suture is swanged to a needle that has the same diameter as the thread, which reduces bleeding from the needle hole.