(v. i.) That which is told; an oral relation or recital; any rehearsal of what has occured; narrative; discourse; statement; history; story.
(v. i.) A number told or counted off; a reckoning by count; an enumeration; a count, in distinction from measure or weight; a number reckoned or stated.
(v. i.) A count or declaration.
(v. i.) To tell stories.
Example Sentences:
(1) There were soon tales of claimants dying after having had money withdrawn, but the real administrative problem was the explosion of appeals, which very often succeeded because many medical problems were being routinely ignored at the earlier stage.
(2) Her story is an incredible tale of triumph over tragedy: a tormented childhood during China's Cultural Revolution, detention and forced exile after exposing female infanticide – then glittering success as the head of a major US technology firm.
(3) Such tales of publicly subsidised private profits very much fit with the wider picture of relations between the City and the nation.
(4) The curiously double nature of the virgin in this tale, her purity versus her duplicity, seems unquestionably related to the infantile split mother, as elucidated by Klein--a connection explored in an earlier paper.
(5) Mr Bae stars in a popular drama, Winter Sonata, a tale of rekindled puppy love that has left many Japanese women hankering for an age when their own men were as sensitive and attentive as the Korean actor.
(6) The fairytales – which have been distributed by leaflet to universities around Singapore – include versions of Cinderella, the Three Little Pigs, Rapunzel and Snow White, each involving a reworked tale that relates to fertility, sex or marriage, and a resulting moral.
(7) Tales invites you to be straight or gay or a bit of both, or even a 93-year-old transsexual.
(8) The disappointing weather at Easter left beaches deserted but some Britons, who were determined to enjoy the outdoors this time round, have already had their plans thwarted by the weather, taking to websites such as ukcampsite.co.uk to swap tales of woe, such as farmers calling to cancel bookings because sites were waterlogged.
(9) He says there are many optimistic tales to tell – migrant families, he says, are helping to drive up standards in local schools – but such stories tend to get lost in an online world that has precious little interest in them.
(10) "We truly are living through a tale of two Britains; while those at the top of the tree may be benefiting from the green shoots of economic recovery, life on the ground for the poorest is getting tougher."
(11) We're not just disembodied wombs in jars, like in Tales of the Unexpected.
(12) He spent his day with children who could not speak or hear, and so I could hardly expect him to bring home any interesting tales.
(13) What goes on in The Handmaid’s Tale [the overthrow of the US government by a theocratic dictatorship that suppresses the rights of women] is actually confined to what used to be the United States.
(14) When Japan was finally opened to western influence by Commodore Perry in 1854, Shakespeare's works – via Lamb's Tales – followed closely behind.
(15) Today Savina said she did not think her experience was a cautionary tale for journalists working on the Lebedev-owned Evening Standard, who might be anxious about their jobs.
(16) Mood Indigo (18 July) Arguably the most French movie ever made, Romain Duris and Audrey Tautou are quite adorable as fairy tale lovers in Michel Gondry's adaptation of Boris Vian's Froth on the Daydream.
(17) McQueen told this tale several times – the words varied from “McQueen was here” to more profane messages, between tellings – and so, years later, Anderson & Sheppard asked the prince’s valet for the suits of that era back, in order to examine the linings.
(18) No true evangelical ought to be tempted to give such tales any credence whatsoever, no matter how popular they become,” Johnson wrote.
(19) Photograph: Getty So that was the grand import of the producer’s vision, realised on an unprecedented scale and to eventual rightful acclaim: despite Gagarin and the rest, Americans in particular (and then Australia, and Britain) became transfixed by all the unfolding tales and testimonies.
(20) Unlike a similar tale across Stanley Park recently, when Kevin Mirallas ousted Leighton Baines and missed from the spot, Balotelli coolly sent Cenk Gonen the wrong way and Liverpool were reprieved.
(v. t.) To protect from the intrusion of the uninitiated; as, to tile a Masonic lodge.
(n.) A plate, or thin piece, of baked clay, used for covering the roofs of buildings, for floors, for drains, and often for ornamental mantel works.
(n.) A small slab of marble or other material used for flooring.
(n.) A plate of metal used for roofing.
(n.) A small, flat piece of dried earth or earthenware, used to cover vessels in which metals are fused.
(n.) A draintile.
(n.) A stiff hat.
(v. t.) To cover with tiles; as, to tile a house.
(v. t.) Fig.: To cover, as if with tiles.
Example Sentences:
(1) Inside, the tiles and the stained glass are said to be perfection, matched against murals that depict the inventions of the industrial revolution and the signing of the Magna Carta.
(2) The risk of getting malaria was greater for inhabitants of the poorest type of house construction (incomplete, mud, or cadjan (palm) walls, and cadjan thatched roofs) compared to houses with complete brick and plaster walls and tiled roofs.
(3) The artist covered every inch of the steps in front of his house in tiles, ceramics and mirrors – originally in the green, yellow, blue and white of the Brazilian flag, later adding tiles in other colours brought by visitors.
(4) The infected cells treated by this method showed light green fluorescence of the protoplasm, with a dark nucleus, while the intact cells had tile-red cytoplasm.
(5) The results of these experiments demonstrated a significant superiority of this modification over the conventional techniques, particularly over the tile technique used generally in this country.
(6) The rustic rooms have clay tiles and wooden furniture, and the walls are brightened up with local fabrics.
(7) The algorithm presented has been developed to choose the tiling which minimizes the estimated error when the tile approximation of the surface is used in subsequent quantitative algorithm such as the calculation of surface area.
(8) When General Electric jobs left Schenectady so did a way of life Read more Patrignani proudly chats me through the bewildering array of silicone-based products Momentive makes and that end up in everything from lipstick, car parts and the adhesives that are used in stamps and bandages to airplane seats and the glue that held the tiles on the space shuttle.
(9) Any of the original N2 fields or composites of M adjacent tiles can be recalled to the video display for analysis.
(10) "There's so much graphic detail in some of the tiles that they seem to speak with a modern voice," adds Roberts.
(11) Tritium retention noted in graphite tiles underscores the significance of material selection in present and future 3H-fueled fusion devices.
(12) The efficacy of defibrillation using the damped sine and constant-tile (60%) truncated exponential waveforms was determined in each of nine dogs.
(13) The Glasgow Boys went after this mood with a will and set up temporary homes among the red-tiled roofs of the rural east – Cockburnspath was by no means their only base – to prospect for scenes that would do justice to an imagination fired by their heroes Corot , Millet and Bastien-Lepage.
(14) The genius of The Great British Bake Off Read more Viewers have seen contestants throw pots blindfolded, and create objects ranging from bone china chandeliers to decorated tiles and bathroom sinks.
(15) The tiles, I am told, are also Italian, the chandeliers Czech, the fridge American, the stove German.
(16) Ceramic samples such as tiles and bricks were collected from locations between 523 and 2,453 m from the hypocenter in Hiroshima and from between 731 and 1,565 m in Nagasaki.
(17) At that time X----- itself was untouched by shot and shell, the old houses in the square with their quaint red-tiled roofs, irregular as peaks of a sierra, and their higgledy-piggledy doors and windows, were as yet intact.
(18) Centro Cerámica Triana Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photograph: Alamy Housed in an old ceramics factory built on the site of a 16th-century one, inevitably plonked on a Roman one, this museum (€2pp, Calle Antillano Campos 14) could do more to trumpet the industry that spawned Triana, created the look and feel of Seville, and inspired Lisbon’s artisans to have a go at the whole tile thing.
(19) Pictures showed a large group of people lying on polished tiled flooring, most of them near to a wall and surrounded by rubble and other debris.
(20) 120 Grosvenor Street, 0161 273 1552, sandbarmanchester.co.uk Marble Arch The Marble Arch pub, Manchester It's 125 years old but this handsome Victorian boozer – all glazed tile work and vintage detail – has never been busier.