(n.) One of a religious and military order first established at Jerusalem, in the early part of the 12th century, for the protection of pilgrims and of the Holy Sepulcher. These Knights Templars, or Knights of the Temple, were so named because they occupied an apartment of the palace of Bladwin II. in Jerusalem, near the Temple.
(n.) A student of law, so called from having apartments in the Temple at London, the original buildings having belonged to the Knights Templars. See Inner Temple, and Middle Temple, under Temple.
(n.) One belonged to a certain order or degree among the Freemasons, called Knights Templars. Also, one of an order among temperance men, styled Good Templars.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a temple.
Example Sentences:
(1) Shopkeepers said they were afraid to open after gunmen believed to be working for the Knights Templar cartel threw firebombs at several of the city's businesses and city hall over the weekend.
(2) He called the Knights Templar a “brotherhood” and boasted of its Robin Hood-like quality, saying the gang’s members were born to protect the people and give them back what was rightly theirs.
(3) His power only grew after La Familia splintered, giving rise to the Knights Templar in 2011.
(4) Participants were administered Marcia's Ego Identity Status Interview and Templar's Death Anxiety Scale (DAS) in counterbalanced order.
(5) Vallejo acknowledged the violence had gone on for four days as vigilantes appeared to be surrounding the farming hub of Apatzingán, which is said to be the Knights Templar's central command.
(6) European security sources confirmed they were investigating claims that Breivik and other far-right individuals attended the inaugural meeting of the far-right Knights Templar group in London in 2002.
(7) This is particularly clear in territories once dominated by the Zetas, now a shadow of their former selves , as well as the recently dismantled Caballeros Templarios, or Knights Templar .
(8) This is the stronghold of Los Caballeros Templarios (The Knights Templar), a crime syndicate which combines pseudo-mystical ideology with cut-throat business instincts – and a capacity for extreme violence.
(9) He is the cult-like figurehead of the Knights Templar, which claims to be the righteous defender of the peasantry against a corrupt government.
(10) Last week it was the turn of Servando Gómez Martínez, leader of the Knights Templar cartel; he was caught in the central city of Morelia – reportedly after the authorities trailed a chocolate cake his girlfriend had cooked to celebrate his 49th birthday .
(11) In an article published yesterday by the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, a historian, Barbara Frale, said she had found "missing clues" to the fate of the Templars and the Shroud while sifting through unpublished documents in the Holy See's Secret Archives.
(12) He also wrote that he was given the codename "Sigurd (the Crusader)" at a founding meeting of a group called the Knights Templar Europe in London in 2002.
(13) The Tierra Caliente region of Michoacán state is facing an uprising of thousands of vigilantes who first emerged in outlying towns a year ago to challenge the pernicious influence of the dominant local cartel known as the Caballeros Templarios, or Knights Templar.
(14) He found precursors of the witch-hunts in the persecution of early Christians by the Romans, in the Church's campaigns against 12th-century heretics, and in the destruction of the Knights Templars.
(15) The International Good Templar Youth Federation, a non-governmental organization with branches and contacts in more than 40 countries in the world and a membership consisting of 200,000 "juniors" (7 to 15 years old) and older "youth" members has undertaken a world-wide campaign for developing a culture free of any kind of intoxicating substances, such as alcohol and narcotic drugs, and for promoting the development of drug prevention and social reintegration programmes.
(16) He has also written about the great train robbery and Chernobyl, but other non-fiction books have had overt Catholic themes including a study of the Church itself, the Templars, and an authorised biography of Alec Guinness which revealed unexpected information about Guinness's sexuality.
(17) But a confluence of bizarre and troubling events has pushed the state into Mexico's spotlight, particularly because of the response of residents in a handful of villages near Apatzingán who have chosen to fight the Knights Templar rather than wait for a more aggressive response by the government.
(18) The Templar order risked becoming a refuge for heretics who denied Jesus was fully human and the Shroud offered evidence to the contrary.
(19) "Our aim is to clean the Knights Templar cartel out of all the municipalities of Michoacán," Beltrán said.
(20) Members of so-called self-defence groups entered Nueva Italia in Michoacán state in an effort to liberate towns from the control of the Knights Templar cartel.
(n.) A contrivence used in a loom for keeping the web stretched transversely.
(n.) The space, on either side of the head, back of the eye and forehead, above the zygomatic arch and in front of the ear.
(n.) One of the side bars of a pair of spectacles, jointed to the bows, and passing one on either side of the head to hold the spectacles in place.
(n.) A place or edifice dedicated to the worship of some deity; as, the temple of Jupiter at Athens, or of Juggernaut in India.
(n.) The edifice erected at Jerusalem for the worship of Jehovah.
(n.) Hence, among Christians, an edifice erected as a place of public worship; a church.
(n.) Fig.: Any place in which the divine presence specially resides.
(v. t.) To build a temple for; to appropriate a temple to; as, to temple a god.
Example Sentences:
(1) He had been shot once in the right temple, once in the right side of his chest, once in the back and once in the hip.
(2) We have Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris coming to those platforms this December, and Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is available on PS4.” However, there is still some slight ambiguity about whether the deal is for Winter 2015 only.
(3) Part of the initial work has involved London Underground strengthening the structure of Temple tube station by the Thames so the north end of the bridge could sit on top of it.
(4) Two cases involving deadly bullet shots to the head are reported (entry wounds at the right temple, shots fired at absolutely close range, 7.65 or 9 mm caliber).
(5) In his passport photograph, applied for in June 2008, Brown has grown a beard and his temples have gone grey.
(6) With sales of tablets, smartphones and gadgets predicted to soar this Christmas , many British households will soon be temples to the latest technology.
(7) At a press conference held outside the temple on Sunday, Oak Creek police chief John Edwards said the "heroic actions" of the two officers "stopped this from being worse than it could have been", noting that many people had gathered for worship at the time of the attack.
(8) He has served as the director of Temple University's family practice review course, as a longstanding consultant to the Residency Assistance Program, and in various capacities on the boards of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and the STFM Foundation.
(9) Nine cases identified as acinic cell adenocarcinoma of minor salivary glands from the files of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and the Department of Pathology, Temple University School of Dentistry were studied to determine the clinical and histomorphologic parameters of this lesion.
(10) Page, an army veteran whose record was marred by drunkenness and a failure to report for duty, walked into the temple just before 10.30am and opened fire with a 9mm pistol.
(11) The sunflowers are the brainchild of Kouyuu Abe, a Zen monk who owns a temple just outside Fukushima city and is committed to the "fight against radiation".
(12) I can state in no uncertain terms and on behalf of the government of Israel that my country is not seeking to change the status quo regarding the Temple Mount.
(13) The Snowman and the Snowdog Game Channel 4 commissioned this endless-runner game in the style of Temple Run for its Snowman sequel.
(14) This is the temple complex of the Ness of Brodgar, and its size, complexity and sophistication have left archaeologists desperately struggling to find superlatives to describe the wonders they found there.
(15) The fear that Israel was planning to alter the status of the holy place Arabs call Al-Haram Al-Sharif and the Jews the Temple Mount set off the violence.
(16) Earlier this month, the church opened its latest temple in the UK, inside a former cinema in Leicester.
(17) It’s a great tragedy.” All Yazidi celebrations, such as weddings and the party-like annual pilgrimage to their sacred temple, Lalish, have been put on hold.
(18) The trip is a contrast in streetscapes: the former is best known for the Rainbow Bridge and the space-age headquarters of Fuji TV, the latter a wonderfully disorderly collection of narrow streets, old buildings and Sensoji Temple , instantly recognisable by the huge akachochin red lantern marking its entrance.
(19) It has been twinned with London’s St Pancras Old church – close to the St Pancras Eurostar terminal – since 2007 • 5 rue de Belzunce, paroissesvp.fr Secrets Temple Ganesh Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photograph: Alamy At the north end of the Gare du Nord, just past the elevated metro line, is a colourful Hindu temple dedicated to the god Ganesh.
(20) I too was attracted to the paintings of De Chirico and Delvaux, with their dreamplaces – empty, melancholy cities, abandoned temples, broken statues, shadows, exaggerated perspectives.