(1) Such an 'inert tube' model may be adequate to describe the inhalation and exhalation kinetics of inert vapours, for example non-polar solvents which have a low water solubility.
(2) There have been reports of difficulties with the seating and locking of the vaporisers which can cause a leak and failure of vapour delivery.
(3) Following exposure to white spirit vapour, the effect of the expired solvent on evidential breath alcohol equipment was investigated under controlled exposure chamber conditions and in a simulated painting exercise.
(4) It was also noted that after the administration of tryptophan blue fluorescence was observed in some cells of the pars distalis prior to formaldehyde vapour treatment.
(5) As radiation sources, the following ones have proved useful: high-pressure mercury-vapour lamps, compound radiation systems consisting of high-pressure mercury-vapour burner, series coiled filament and reflector bulbs made of special glass as well as halogen metal-vapour lamps.
(6) Acute inhalation of nitrous vapours did not cause any damage to the respiratory apparatus detectable via spirometric or X-ray tests in the four workers who were actually exposed and kept under observation during the two months following the explosion of a tank containing nitric acid.
(7) All had been regularly exposed to high air vapour peaks as well as to skin contamination.
(8) Simple formulae expressing average and maximum concentrations of solvent vapour in indoor air during the application of paints, glues, and the like, have been derived using a six parameter mathematical exposure model MEM 1.
(9) This study evaluates the influence of mineral oil and linoleic-acid-containing emulsions on the skin vapour loss (SVL) of detergent-induced irritant skin reactions.
(10) The light-harvesting protein phycoerythrocyanin from the cyanobacterium Mastigocladus laminosus Cohn has been crystallized in two different crystal forms by vapour diffusion.
(11) Stimulation of the nasal mucous membrane with ether vapour or water caused apnoea, bradycardia, a rise in arterial blood pressure and an increase in adrenal medullary catecholamine secretion.3.
(12) This explains why, despite water vapour constituting the largest part of the greenhouse effect, the world's science academies have agreed , there is strong evidence that human activities are driving the observed change in temperatures .
(13) All the anaesthetists (n = 81) thought that their work involved some exposure to anaesthetic gases or vapours; however, 21 (7%) of the 319 nurses believed they were not exposed although they spent some time in operating theatres or recovery rooms.
(14) By the combined use of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry the methyl esters of hippuric acid and m-methylhippuric acid were identified in the urine of a volunteer who had been exposed to toluene and m-xylene vapours.
(15) The workplaces were ventilated and the concentrations of vapours did not exceed Threshold Limit Values (TLVs).
(16) Single crystals of Clara cell 10,000 Mr protein have been grown by vapour diffusion in the presence of ammonium sulphate.
(17) Comparisons were made with alternative methods for determining the concentration of white spirit vapours in air samples.
(18) A seed globulin from Vicia narbonensis L. has been crystallized by vapour diffusion induced pH-shift.
(19) In his dreamlike view of the world, bits of buildings are liberated to take on their own lives and attempt unexpected feats: floors can shift and windows can hover – and now, it seems, planes can spurt out shimmering aluminium vapour trails.
(20) The effects of prolonged exposure to ammonia vapour on the histological pattern and enzymatic activity of the respiratory nasal mucosa of 75 adult male mice were investigated and compared with a control group.
(a.) Containing nothing; empty; vacant; not occupied; not filled.
(a.) Having no incumbent; unoccupied; -- said of offices and the like.
(a.) Being without; destitute; free; wanting; devoid; as, void of learning, or of common use.
(a.) Not producing any effect; ineffectual; vain.
(a.) Containing no immaterial quality; destitute of mind or soul.
(a.) Of no legal force or effect, incapable of confirmation or ratification; null. Cf. Voidable, 2.
(n.) An empty space; a vacuum.
(a.) To remove the contents of; to make or leave vacant or empty; to quit; to leave; as, to void a table.
(a.) To throw or send out; to evacuate; to emit; to discharge; as, to void excrements.
(a.) To render void; to make to be of no validity or effect; to vacate; to annul; to nullify.
(v. i.) To be emitted or evacuated.
Example Sentences:
(1) Stimulation with these electrodes were effective for inducing voiding with little residual volume after the recovery of bladder reflexes, 3 weeks after experimental spinal cord injury in the dog.
(2) The Lex antigen was present in the void volume fraction of the majority (85%) of sera from adenocarcinoma patients.
(3) To facilitate detoxification, the centrifuge is employed to provide plasma rich in toxins, but void of potentially interfering blood components such as platelets and whole blood cells.
(4) The acquisition of dryness is accelerated by eradication of bacteriuria and a sympathetic and energetic management regime, which should place responsibility on the child and result in the child voiding more frequently and completely.
(5) Excretory urogram revealed bilateral hydronephrosis and voiding cystogram revealed VUR on left ureter.
(6) Primary invasive adenocarcinoma of the bladder was diagnosed in a fifty-two-year-old male with a two-month history of irritative voiding symptoms.
(7) Residual urine volume and urine voiding efficiency are also calculated.
(8) During unstable detrusor contractions, which even in these healthy women are observed during bladder filling and also during inhibited voidings through the urethra, the contraction is weaker.
(9) Some of this LPS-associated polysaccharide eluted as the void volume of a G-100 column but differed from PS by its lack of galactose and arabinose.
(10) Cytological examination of voided urine is an established investigation in urological practice.
(11) At 12 months TURP had also improved micturition time and voided volume, which TUI had not.
(12) Chlamydia trachomatis was detected from first-voided urine sediments of 97 male patients with urethritis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
(13) SEM of the resulting surface showed rounded fragments of enamel rods, enamel melting, cracks, and smooth-edged voids.
(14) By 16 weeks, fibrocartilage had filled the void in the curetted disc spaces.
(15) Both the void volume protein peak and the procoagulant activity peak from the 0.25 M calcium chloride-agarose gel column support ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation.
(16) It is concluded that imaging of the urinary tract is not necessary for pure nightwetters, while ultrasonography or uroflowmetry and more sophisticated radiological or urological methods should be focused on those children with daytime wetting and clinical symptoms of voiding disturbances.
(17) Cation exchange chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose-Sephadex with a starting buffer of pH 5 containing 2 mM CHAPS plus 20 mM beta-OG, followed by a pH 8 buffer, showed a very small OD peak at the void volume (P) and a second peak with about 95% of the protein (E).
(18) The one peak which was common to both sera appeared with the void volume and was identified as albumin.
(19) The first peak eluted at the void volume containing lipoproteins, alpha 2- and beta 2-macroglobulins, and the second peak at the fraction of albumin.
(20) Oxendolone + bunazosin tended to show a better clinical efficacy than the other of these regimens, when the improvement was defined as that with more than one degree in the severity of retarded voiding, prolonged voiding, urinary stream condition, abdominal pressure on voiding and residual urine sensation.