(n.) Any one of numerous species of stinging hymenopterous insects, esp. any of the numerous species of the genus Vespa, which includes the true, or social, wasps, some of which are called yellow jackets.
Example Sentences:
(1) Moderate to severe SRs were equally likely after stings of yellow jacket, white-faced hornet, and yellow hornet (65%), honeybee (67%), or wasp (70%), although historical SRs were reported more often after stings of yellow jacket, white-faced hornet, or yellow hornet (30%) than after honeybee (19%) or wasp (14%) stings.
(2) This interpretation is strongly supported by the observation that the wasp poison mastoparan, which is known to mimic receptor-mediated activation of certain Gi proteins, also promoted anchorage independence.
(3) A growth-blocking peptide (GBP) with repressive activity against juvenile hormone (JH) esterase has been isolated from the last (6th) instar larval plasma of the armyworm Pseudaletia separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) parasitized by the parasitoid wasp Apanteles kariyai (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) (1,2).
(4) Fifty-two analogues of the wasp toxin, philanthotoxin-433, have been synthesized and tested on a glutamatergic, nerve-muscle preparation from locust leg.
(5) The action of the venom of the wasp Campsomeris sexmaculata on the insect CNS has been studied using the cercal nerve-giant interneuron preparation of the sixth abdominal ganglion of the cockroach.
(6) Fifty nine patients (30%) with RXN3 responses to wasps failed to react to either test, while this applied to only 19 (6%) of the patients with RXN3 responses to bee stings.
(7) Taken together, these correlations indicate that the wasp may render the tick inhospitable to both pathogens.
(8) Other than snake venoms, only venoms of the toad Bufo calamita and the lizards were hemorrhagic, and only venoms of the social wasps, social bees and harvester ant exhibited strong anticoagulant activity.
(9) The precipitating agents were penicillin (7 cases), aspirin (3), food (2), and bee or wasp sting (8).
(10) In both bee venom allergy and wasp venom allergy the corresponding allergen induced concentration-dependent histamine release.
(11) Or are half these people too idle, not just to remove their own wasp nests, but to do their own redacting?
(12) Monoclonal antibodies raised against venom glands recognized epitopes conserved on several polydnavirus proteins and on multiple wasp oviduct and venom proteins.
(13) Studies have been made on thermal regulation in the nests of families of the honey bee Apis mellifera, wasp Dolihovespula silvestris and bumblebees Bombus terrestris, B. agrorum and B. lapidaris during their maximum development.
(14) Venoms from 20 species of stinging Hymenoptera, including nine species of ants and nine species of social wasps, were quantitatively analyzed for the following enzymic activities: phospholipase A, hyaluronidase, lipase, esterase, protease, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and phosphodiesterase.
(15) The tiny wasps lay their eggs in the aphids, which are then eaten by the hatching grubs.
(16) The effect of electrophoretic ejection of philanthotoxin (the polyamine toxin, from the Egyptian digger wasp) was tested on responses of brainstem and spinal neurones in the pentobarbitone-anaesthetized rat to excitatory amino acids.
(17) By his own admission he is a Wasp, a White Ashkenazi Supporter of Peace.
(18) In larvae of a selected immune-reactive strain the rates of tyrosine hydroxylation, dopa oxidation, and dopamine oxidation were markedly increased during the early stages of melanotic encapsulation of the eggs of the parasitic wasp Leptopilina boulardi.
(19) Studies of the dorsal ocelli of the wasp Paravespula vulgaris (L.) led to the following results: Under a biconvex corneal lens, 150 microns in thickness, about 600 receptor cells are located.
(20) Over an eight and a half year period 742 patients were assessed for allergy to stinging and biting insects in Queensland; 452 (61%) had allergic reactions to honey bees, 244 (33%) to wasps, 30 (4%) to various ants, 11 (1.5%) to march flies (Tabanus sp.)
() The second person singular of the verb be, in the indicative mood, imperfect tense; -- now used only in solemn or poetical style. See Was.
Example Sentences:
(1) The purpose of this paper is to discuss the potential for integrating surveillance techniques in reproductive epidemiology with geographic information system technology in order to identify populations at risk around hazardous waste sites.
(2) Muscle wasting in MYD may be explained by these abnormalities as well.
(3) Solely infectious waste become removed hospital-intern and -extern on conditions of hygienic prevention, namely through secure packing during the transport, combustion or desinfection.
(4) Communicating sustainability is a subtle attempt at doing good Read more And yet, in environmental terms it is infinitely preferable to prevent waste altogether, rather than recycle it.
(5) In a newspaper interview last month, Shapps said the BBC needed to tackle what he said was a culture of secrecy, waste and unbalanced reporting if it hoped to retain the full £3.6bn raised by the licence fee after the current Royal Charter expires in 2016.
(6) Swedes tend to see generous shared parental leave as good for the economy, since it prevents the nation's investment in women's education and expertise from going to waste.
(7) In South Africa, health risks associated with exposure to toxic waste sites need to be viewed in the context of current community health concerns, competing causes of disease and ill-health, and the relative lack of knowledge about environmental contamination and associated health effects.
(8) It was recently demonstrated that MRL-lpr lymphoid cells transferred into lethally irradiated MRL- +mice unexpectedly failed to induce the early onset of lupus syndrome and massive lymphadenopathy of the donor, instead they caused a severe wasting syndrome resembling graft-vs-host (GvH) disease.
(9) But there was a clear penalty on Diego Costa – it is a waste of time and money to have officials by the side of the goal because normally they do nothing – and David Luiz’s elbow I didn’t see, I confess.
(10) But in the rush to design it, Girardet wonders if the finer details of waste disposal and green power were lost.
(11) The agency, which works to reduce food waste and plastic bag use, has already been gutted , with its budget reduced to £17.9m in 2014, down from £37.7m in 2011.
(12) Sagan had a way of not wasting words, even playfully.
(13) In the end, prisons are all about wasting human life and will always be places that take things away.
(14) It just seems a bit of a waste, I say, given that he's young and handsome and famous.
(15) Any surplus food left over goes to anaerobic digestion energy plants, which turn food waste into electricity.
(16) By its calorific value the mycelial waste is equal to brown coal or peat.
(17) The observed differences in Na excretion suggest that this aldosterone hypersecretion may be of pathophysiological importance as a protection against inappropriate renal waste of Na during the early phase of endotoxin-induced fever.
(18) Hyperbilirubinaemia in newborn infants is generally regarded as a problem, and bilirubin itself as toxic metabolic waste, but the high frequency in newborn infants suggests that the excess of neonatal bilirubin may have a positive function.
(19) The original agricultural wastes had captured CO2 from the air through the photosynthesis process; biochar is a low-tech way of sequestering carbon, effectively for ever.
(20) In March, the Tories reappointed their trusty old attack dogs, M&C Saatchi, to work alongside the lead agency, Euro RSCG, and M&C Saatchi's chief executive, David Kershaw, wasted no time in setting out his stall, saying: "It's a fallacy that online has replaced offline in terms of media communications."