(1) Together these observations suggest that cytotactin is an endogenous cell surface modulatory protein and provide a possible mechanism whereby cytotactin may contribute to pattern formation during development, regeneration, tumorigenesis, and wound healing.
(2) The method described uses film DOT-I and DOT-II by Dupont, whereby the exposure of the step wedge takes place on a linear accelerator with a photo energy of 10 MeV.
(3) The present data support the hypothesis whereby weakly oncogenic B-ecotropic viruses similar to those activated by radiation might be involved in the development of TL.
(4) Indications of precautions to be taken are defined and suggestions are drawn up whereby residual laxity in extension may be limited.
(5) Mechanisms are suggested whereby rudimentary appetitive programs already encoded along facing dendrite membrane pairs within the specialized intrafascicular milieu, may trigger and control nipple search and suckling in the still blind and only primitively mobile neonate.
(6) Because the mechanism whereby Shigella dysenteriae I enterotoxin induces intestinal secretion is unclear, the effect of this toxin on adenylate cyclase activity in rabbit ileal mucosa was studied under various in vitro and in vivo conditions.
(7) Completely unknown is the mechanism whereby NADH oxidation and growth or growth control may be coupled.
(8) Possible mechanisms whereby proteolytic cleavage of VP2 may enhance the infectivity and HA activity of BTV 20 are discussed.
(9) A simplified procedure is described whereby tissue is removed via a posterior eyelid approach so that the eyelid may be tightened both horizontally and vertically, thus inverting the punctum and fixating it in the lacrimal lake.
(10) The authors describe several recent court cases in which judges have ignored or distorted acceptable clinical practices, conceivably creating a new liability standard whereby a tragic outcome is considered the result of failure to apply appropriate judgment.
(11) Since the temperature of the monkey was unchanged as long as the physiological ratio of sodium to calcium in the perfusion fluid remained constant, we conclude that the balance between these two essential cations within the brain stem could determine the neural mechanism whereby the set-point for body temperature of the primate is established.
(12) Physical disruption of the gut mucosal barrier appears to be the primary mechanism whereby endotoxin promotes bacterial translocation.
(13) That does not translate magically into a conflict of interest whereby the interests of these lawyers is suddenly contrary to those of the defendants,” Ryan argued to Pohl.
(14) Our aim was to determine the mechanism whereby oligohydroamnios causes reduced fetal lung expansion and eventual lung hypoplasia.
(15) This requires multiple insulin injections, whereby 60 to 70% of the total daily insulin amount are administered as preprandial boli of short or intermediate acting insulin.
(16) That would mark a controversial break from its existing policy, whereby the ECB offsets bond purchases by draining liquidity from the system in separate operations.
(17) Chilcot has now embarked on the “Maxwellisation process”, whereby those the inquiry intends to criticise will be sent draft passages of the report for comment.
(18) The mechanism whereby deferoxamine (DF) inhibits the growth of malaria parasites was studied in rats infected with Plasmodium berghei.
(19) K+ release from 2-10 min minus initial K+ uptake) increased from 0.1 to 2.2 mumol X g-1 liver, whereby simultaneously the alanine tissue level rose from 6.8 to 13.3 mumol X g-1 (corresponding to an increase of the intracellular alanine concentration from about 12 to 25 mM) in presence of aminooxyacetate.
(20) Ultrastructural investigations involved a novel method whereby thick sections of gluteraldehyde-fixed material were cut on a vibratome and then labelled using slight modifications of a standard unlabelled antibody-enzyme (PAP) technique, before further processing.
(adv.) Of which; of whom; formerly, also, with which; -- used relatively.
(adv.) Of what; -- used interrogatively.
Example Sentences:
(1) Whereof one cannot speak thereof we must pass over in silence and all that.
(2) In token whereof I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of December, 1936, in the presence of the witnesses whose signatures are subscribed.
(3) The amendment’s first section reads: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Warren, Michigan, March 2016.
(4) The effect of 21 chemical substances was investigated whereof 7 compounds was determined as effective fading-inhibitors.
(5) Consequently, we conclude, that a policy followed in the serodiagnostic Western-Blot of human AIDS should also be adopted for the interpretation of the EIA Western-Blot, namely to declare as positive merely horse sera which evidence more than one single band, whereof at least one band should represent a viral glycoprotein.
(6) Serwotka, 46, who grew up in the South Wales valleys, knows whereof he speaks: he left school at 16, with five painfully acquired O-levels, and went to work for a benefit office in Aberdare.
(7) The Cainguá (Mbŷá) have preserved a singular theology whereof the comprehension makes possible an approach to the real being within that culture.
(8) Pancreatic enzyme substitution may principally be used in few indications, whereof most of them are only relative.
(9) Treatment was required in 39 cases whereof 18 were placed under observation only.
(10) Consequently, a prospective study of symptoms and endoscopy and biopsy interpretation was undertaken in 200 patients consecutively submitted to upper endoscopy, whereof 12 were excluded.
(11) Stone removal was successful in 82% of the cases whereof the stones were pushed back into the renal pelvis and subsequently managed with percutaneous nephrolithotomy or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in 24%.
(12) Bobbitt, we can assume, knows whereof he speaks: he has shot all three of McQueen's features – Hunger, Shame and now 12 Years a Slave – as well as five of McQueen's gallery shorts, dating back to 2002's Western Deep , shot in South Africa inside the world's deepest gold mine.
(13) Four patients had misalignments of up to 15 degrees, whereof three of them had combined varus-recurvation-angulations without functional or cosmetic sequelae.
(14) The total of 1154 identified samples consisted mainly of ruminants (37%, whereof bushbuck represented 57%), hippopotamus (34%), and monitor lizard (19%).
(15) The title refers to the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.” For the new British black film-making hope, Adesunloye, access to funds and exposure remain the key issues, even with a voguish new transatlantic interest in telling the story of the African diaspora.
(16) Report on 370 dyslexics, whereof 281 can be evaluated.
(17) Iscoms containing the fusion protein of measles virus induced T cell clones in mice whereof one, after adoptive transfer, protected mice against intracerebral challenge infection.
(18) Gillen's character, Petyr Baelish, certainly knows whereof he speaks.