What's the difference between allay and slake?



  • (v. t.) To make quiet or put at rest; to pacify or appease; to quell; to calm; as, to allay popular excitement; to allay the tumult of the passions.
  • (v. t.) To alleviate; to abate; to mitigate; as, to allay the severity of affliction or the bitterness of adversity.
  • (v. t.) To diminish in strength; to abate; to subside.
  • (n.) Alleviation; abatement; check.
  • (n.) Alloy.
  • (v. t.) To mix (metals); to mix with a baser metal; to alloy; to deteriorate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A diagnostic approach and some management procedures that include eliminating all oral irritants, correcting predisposing systemic disease, and most important of all, allaying anxiety that induces parafunctional mouth habits.
  • (2) Although barium meal examination improves diagnostic confidence and allays patients' anxiety, fully utilising communication skills at the initial consultation might allay anxiety more economically.
  • (3) Truss will seek to allay parents' fears of their children being neglected by over-pressed staff, pointing out that the relaxation she proposes still leaves more restrictive ratios than Denmark, France and Germany – three countries often seen as providing high quality care for pre-school children.
  • (4) The findings suggest a need for public education about the vaccine, with particular emphasis directed at allaying fears about side effects.
  • (5) These feelings were allayed by counseling, but there was evidence of some residual unease.
  • (6) My regret at not eating these tasty snacks is soon allayed by Sara’s magical wilderness cooking skills: she somehow conjures up a three-course dinner from a few packets and a single burner.
  • (7) The results allayed concerns of a cruciate ligament injury but revealed damage to the lateral collateral ligament, which can result in a three-month lay-off.
  • (8) He requires patience, understanding, and repeated explanations to allay his apprehension and anxiety.
  • (9) Truss will seek to allay parents' fears of their children being neglected by overpressed staff, pointing out that the relaxation she proposes still leaves more restrictive ratios than Denmark, France and Germany – three countries often cited as providing high-quality care for pre-school children.
  • (10) Proper pharmacologic preparation of the patient will allay anxiety, increase comfort, and reduce the overall quantity of anesthetic needed.
  • (11) Experience has shown that simple information-giving alone does little to allay the panic in the general population and in hospital personnel.
  • (12) The first task of the new government was to allay those fears, to reassure the 27 that when Farage turned up at the European parliamen t after the referendum, like a drunk taunting an ex-wife at a cocktail party, he did not speak for Britain.
  • (13) However, the BBC has sought to allay criticism of its talent costs by publishing salary bands for the pay of top stars.
  • (14) This feeling allays anxiety and depressive affects, and the patient comes to experience the analyst as a soother.
  • (15) Help in coping with the fears and in allaying the anxiety of their husbands was most required in those with mild disease and those in whom it had progressed to become socially disabling, but without confining the patients to their homes.
  • (16) But Abbott has made it clear he will not stand aside, and is seeking to allay his colleague’s concerns and quell the dissent, including about the powerful role played by his chief of staff, Peta Credlin .
  • (17) Various mechanisms exist to at least partially allay the fears and anxiety of this period, generally through the use of a multidisciplinary approach.
  • (18) This trial also suggested that women's anxiety was actually increased during scans, and then allayed by positive feedback from the operator.
  • (19) The campaign, launched on Sunday , seeks to allay the misconception that the higher education contribution scheme (Hecs) is being abolished under changes yet to pass parliament, and says the federal government “will continue to pay around half your undergraduate degree”.
  • (20) The results suggest that in circumstances where parents are to be excluded from induction, adequate preoperative explanation and sedative premedication would contribute to allaying parental anxiety, but that a flexible policy may be most appropriate.



  • (a.) To allay; to quench; to extinguish; as, to slake thirst.
  • (a.) To mix with water, so that a true chemical combination shall take place; to slack; as, to slake lime.
  • (v. i.) To go out; to become extinct.
  • (v. i.) To abate; to become less decided.
  • (v. i.) To slacken; to become relaxed.
  • (v. i.) To become mixed with water, so that a true chemical combination takes place; as, the lime slakes.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Powdered slaked lime applied to the chewed Areca nut with Piper betle inflorescence at the corner of the mouth causes the mean pH to rise to 10, at which reactive oxygen species are generated from betel quid ingredients in vitro.
  • (2) Photograph: Nerissa Sparkman This being Dublin, visitors to Stoneybatter will find no shortage of opportunities to slake their thirst.
  • (3) A link between the generation of areca nut-related N-nitrosamines in the saliva, the induction of genotoxic damage in the oral mucosa, as judged by an increase in micronucleated exfoliated cells (MEC), and a low incidence of oral cancer was studied in 2 population groups characterized by their habit of chewing quids without tobacco: Guamanians, who chew areca nuts (Areca catechu) with or without the addition of betel leaf (Piper betle); Taiwanese, who use areca nut, betel leaf or inference and slaked lime.
  • (4) Watering crops, slaking thirst in expanding cities, cooling power plants, fracking oil and gas wells – all take water from the same diminishing supply.
  • (5) "Reverse"-cigar smokers (who hold the burning end of cigars within the mouth), dippers (who place a mixture of Khaini-tobacco and slaked lime into the lower gingival groove) and users of tobacco-containing toothpaste (gudakhu) in Orissa, India, were examined for precancerous oral lesions, the frequency of micronucleated cells at 3 different intra-oral sites, and levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA) in the saliva.
  • (6) I have come to the conclusion that the smoked tobacco and the slaked lime in the Indian "Pan" are the two important carcinogenic agents.
  • (7) Then, they report on the three main basic components: Piper betle L. leaf, Areca catechu nut, and slaked lime.
  • (8) This illness will be caused by longterm exposure in viniculture against "Bordeaux mixture" a solution of copper sulphate and slaked lime.
  • (9) The restaurateur Leonid Shutnov will soon open Biblioteka in St James, where he will offer 100 vintages of Château d'Yquem and 80 of Château Mouton Rothschild, should 79 of Château Mouton Rothschild not be enough to slake the thirst of London's rich.
  • (10) Finally, some exasperated nutritionist will pop up and say, to be honest: "This is all sugar that doesn't fill you up and doesn't even slake your thirst particularly well."
  • (11) Not even a majority Conservative government in 2015 will slake the thirst for EU departure of the Eurosceptics.
  • (12) In the case of many oropharyngeal cancers in Asia and Africa it is the alkaline slaked lime in the betel quid which is responsible; in the case of gastric cancers it is the reflux of the alkaline duodenal contents into the stomach; in the case of colon it is the absence of roughage, cellulose and vegetable fibres from the diet; in the case of the cervix uteri it is the frequency of coitus which gives rise to a highly alkaline seminal fluid; and in the case of cancer lung it is the alkaline cigarette smoke.
  • (13) Europeans slaked their need for labour in the colonies – in the mines and on the plantations – not only by enslaving indigenous Americans but also by shipping slaves across the Atlantic from Africa.
  • (14) Different strategies will be required in the administration of chemopreventive agents in order to trap ROS formed in the alkaline (due to the addition of slaked lime) chewing mixture within the saliva of a chewer, to scavenge ROS within mucosal cells exposed to an array of tobacco- or areca nut-related carcinogens or tumour promoters, and to inhibit the action of ROS released from ROS-generating white cells during lymphocytic infiltration of the oral mucosa at a precancerous stage.
  • (15) The frequency of MEC did not increase in the oral mucosa of areca nut chewers who do not use slaked lime, but showed a small but significant elevation in individuals using lime-containing quids.
  • (16) Zero Dark Thirty slakes a thirst for vengeance and leaves an aftertaste of gall.
  • (17) Here’s Tom Jenkins’s match gallery from Craven Cottage Updated at 4.17pm GMT 4.10pm GMT More goals in the Championship ... Leicester have taken a two-goal lead against Charlton at the King Power Stadium, courtesy of Danny Drinkwater, who has slaked his thirst for liquid finishing to make it 2-0.
  • (18) And still it wasn’t enough to slake the insatiable thirst of the financial markets for more and more stimulus.
  • (19) A giant cross made of wooden slakes was erected on the grassy slope near the Washington Monument.
  • (20) Andy Murray’s thirst for making history could not be denied here on Sunday – even by lingering but passing pain in his back – and will be further slaked when Great Britain contest their first Davis Cup final in 37 years.