What's the difference between angle and fangle?



  • (n.) The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a corner; a nook.
  • (n.) The figure made by. two lines which meet.
  • (n.) The difference of direction of two lines. In the lines meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle.
  • (n.) A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.
  • (n.) A name given to four of the twelve astrological "houses."
  • (n.) A fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod.
  • (v. i.) To fish with an angle (fishhook), or with hook and line.
  • (v. i.) To use some bait or artifice; to intrigue; to scheme; as, to angle for praise.
  • (v. t.) To try to gain by some insinuating artifice; to allure.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A slight varus angle of 2.1 degrees became apparent.
  • (2) The optimal size for stimulation was between 5 degrees and 12 degrees (visual angle).
  • (3) The dependence of fluorescence polarization of stained nerve fibres on the angle between the fibre axis and electrical vector of exciting light (azimuth characteristics) has been considered.
  • (4) Contact angles of Silafocon A and PMMA were relatively uninfluenced by front surface radii between 7.7 and 8.85 and 7.3 to 8.8 mm, respectively.
  • (5) Angle closure glaucoma is a well-known complication of scleral buckling and it is of particular interest when it occurs in eyes with previously normal angles.
  • (6) Projection obliquity resulted in consistent underestimation of DPR angle.
  • (7) Instead of later renal failure and, of course, mental retardation, it was the histological features of the fetus eyes which permit to diagnose and exhibit both congenital cataract and irido-corneal angle dysgenesis.
  • (8) The superior mesenteric artery and the abdominal aorta made the mean angle of 35.5 degree in patients with normal left renal vein, the mean angle of 45.4 degrees in those with left renal vein compression without nutcracker phenomenon, and the mean angle of 11.9 degrees in those with nutcracker phenomenon.
  • (9) A neodymium YAG (Nd:YAG) laser was evaluated in a dog ulcer model used in the same manner as is recommended for bleeding patients (power 55 W, divergence angle 4 degrees, with CO2 gas-jet assistance).
  • (10) We set a new basic plane on an orthopantomogram in order to measure the gonial angle and obtained the following: 1) Usable error difference in ordinary clinical setting ranged from 0.5 degrees-1.0 degree.
  • (11) By measurement and analysis of the changes in carpal angles and joint spaces, carpal instability was discovered in 41 fractures, an incidence of 30.6%.
  • (12) The penetration coefficient, determined by the surface tension, contact angle and viscosity, is a measure of the ability of a liquid to penetrate into a capillary space, such as interproximal regions, gingival pockets and pores.
  • (13) Bohler's angle may be reconstituted with apparent reduction of the posterior facet when projected laterally; however, Broden's and axial views show persistent widening and split of the posterior facet.
  • (14) The advantages of the incision through the pars plana ciliaris are (1) easier approach to the vitreous cavity, (2) preservation of the crystalline lens and an intact iris, and (3) circumvention of the corneal and chamber angle complications sometimes associated with the transcorneal approach.
  • (15) These patients did not have narrow anterior chamber angles preoperatively, and several were aphakix with surgical iris colobomas.
  • (16) Seventy-eight patients presented optochiasmal arachnoiditis: 12 had trigeminal neuralgia; 1, arachnoiditis of the cerebellopontile angle; 6, arachnoiditis of the convex surface of the brain; and 3, the hypertensive hydrocephalic syndrome due to occlusion of the CSF routes.
  • (17) In this paper, we develop functions suggested by and regression fit to crystallographic data which allow three of these torsion angles, alpha (O3'-P-O5'-C5'), delta (C5'-C4'-C3'-O3') and epsilon (C4'-C3'-O3'-P), to be calculated as dependent variables of those remaining.
  • (18) An angle of 40 degrees or more was supposed to be a pathological kyphosis.
  • (19) The lower neck flexion is 35 degrees and extension of the plane of the face 15 degrees, each angle measured relative to horizontal.
  • (20) Two homosexual men, 35 and 42 years old, had bilateral acute angle-closure glaucoma in association with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.



  • (v. t.) Something new-fashioned; a foolish innovation; a gewgaw; a trifling ornament.
  • (v. t.) To fashion.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There’s nothing new-fangled at the Stockyards; clientele is fridge-size men and Barbie-haired women saying “cute jacket” to each other.
  • (2) Virtual currencies aren't just a new-fangled sort of Monopoly money.
  • (3) He gets strapped to a table with a new-fangled laser beam pointed at his private parts: the best Bond-in-peril scene and one that is not easily escapable – our man's family jewels remain intact only thanks to the villain's inexplicable reluctance to deliver the coup de grace.
  • (4) But Coates had convinced her boss to check out a couple of these new-fangled nouvelle vague films, 'Chabrol and that sort of thing'.
  • (5) Loaded was unsophisticated, but it acknowledged that men could enjoy a contradictory array of pursuits, from outdoor sports to indoor pub games, new-fangled technology like the internet to the traditional male love of football, war and aggression.
  • (6) Back to the 1950s, when 18-year-olds got their heads down and scribbled furiously for three hours on the causes of the English civil war or character development in Pride and Prejudice, without any new-fangled nonsense of course assessment, projects, modules and media studies, while the streets stayed free of drugs, children respected their elders, and Winston Churchill resided in Downing Street.
  • (7) Victorian novels are replete with characters – particularly women characters – who exhibit what we might recognise now as some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders, from fainting to hysteria: manifestations of inner turmoil that would, in real life, have had the phrenologists running to examine their heads, and the hydropathists rushing to welcome them to their new-fangled spas (cold-water remedies were particularly popular when it came to treating what our ancestors regarded as a form of madness).
  • (8) Crops were swamped in their fields and the "new-fangled" tractors proved useless in the mud.
  • (9) I venture that the people, many of them women, who believe such things are unlikely to be swayed by new-fangled notions of equality.
  • (10) The Guardian's Tax Gap series this year established that a major motivation for metamorphosing old-fashioned mortgages into new-fangled securities was the desire to get money offshore.
  • (11) These new-fangled gizmos will be chuntering into life in football club offices all over the UK today.
  • (12) Last week it was suggested that in order to bring libraries into the modern era , visitors should be cossetted with new-fangled indulgences such as heating, toilets, WiFi and coffee machines.
  • (13) So one of her new-fangled “extreme disruption orders” will sort him out.
  • (14) It is always gobsmacking to hear a Tory use the phrase “class war” as if it were a bad thing – a nasty, old-fangled activity that has nothing to do with them, m’lud.