What's the difference between base and real?



  • (a.) Of little, or less than the usual, height; of low growth; as, base shrubs.
  • (a.) Low in place or position.
  • (a.) Of humble birth; or low degree; lowly; mean.
  • (a.) Illegitimate by birth; bastard.
  • (a.) Of little comparative value, as metal inferior to gold and silver, the precious metals.
  • (a.) Alloyed with inferior metal; debased; as, base coin; base bullion.
  • (a.) Morally low. Hence: Low-minded; unworthy; without dignity of sentiment; ignoble; mean; illiberal; menial; as, a base fellow; base motives; base occupations.
  • (a.) Not classical or correct.
  • (a.) Deep or grave in sound; as, the base tone of a violin.
  • (a.) Not held by honorable service; as, a base estate, one held by services not honorable; held by villenage. Such a tenure is called base, or low, and the tenant, a base tenant.
  • (n.) The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests for support; the foundation; as, the base of a statue.
  • (n.) Fig.: The fundamental or essential part of a thing; the essential principle; a groundwork.
  • (n.) The lower part of a wall, pier, or column, when treated as a separate feature, usually in projection, or especially ornamented.
  • (n.) The lower part of a complete architectural design, as of a monument; also, the lower part of any elaborate piece of furniture or decoration.
  • (n.) That extremity of a leaf, fruit, etc., at which it is attached to its support.
  • (n.) The positive, or non-acid component of a salt; a substance which, combined with an acid, neutralizes the latter and forms a salt; -- applied also to the hydroxides of the positive elements or radicals, and to certain organic bodies resembling them in their property of forming salts with acids.
  • (n.) The chief ingredient in a compound.
  • (n.) A substance used as a mordant.
  • (n.) The exterior side of the polygon, or that imaginary line which connects the salient angles of two adjacent bastions.
  • (n.) The line or surface constituting that part of a figure on which it is supposed to stand.
  • (n.) The number from which a mathematical table is constructed; as, the base of a system of logarithms.
  • (n.) A low, or deep, sound. (Mus.) (a) The lowest part; the deepest male voice. (b) One who sings, or the instrument which plays, base.
  • (n.) A place or tract of country, protected by fortifications, or by natural advantages, from which the operations of an army proceed, forward movements are made, supplies are furnished, etc.
  • (n.) The smallest kind of cannon.
  • (n.) That part of an organ by which it is attached to another more central organ.
  • (n.) The basal plane of a crystal.
  • (n.) The ground mass of a rock, especially if not distinctly crystalline.
  • (n.) The lower part of the field. See Escutcheon.
  • (n.) The housing of a horse.
  • (n.) A kind of skirt ( often of velvet or brocade, but sometimes of mailed armor) which hung from the middle to about the knees, or lower.
  • (n.) The lower part of a robe or petticoat.
  • (n.) An apron.
  • (n.) The point or line from which a start is made; a starting place or a goal in various games.
  • (n.) A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles.
  • (n.) A rustic play; -- called also prisoner's base, prison base, or bars.
  • (n.) Any one of the four bounds which mark the circuit of the infield.
  • (n.) To put on a base or basis; to lay the foundation of; to found, as an argument or conclusion; -- used with on or upon.
  • (a.) To abase; to let, or cast, down; to lower.
  • (a.) To reduce the value of; to debase.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The process of sequence rearrangement appears to be a significant part of the evolution of the genome and may have a much greater effect on the evolution of the phenotype than sequence alteration by base substitution.
  • (2) However, CT will be insensitive in the detection of the more cephalic proximal lesions, especially those in the brain stem, basal cisterns, and skull base.
  • (3) Recently, the validity of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) standards for selection of spirometric test results has been questioned based on the finding of inverse dependence of FEV1 on effort.
  • (4) The omission of Crossrail 2 from the Conservative manifesto , in which other infrastructure projects were listed, was the clearest sign yet that there is little appetite in a Theresa May government for another London-based scheme.
  • (5) Squadron Leader Kevin Harris, commander of the Merlins at Camp Bastion, the main British base in Helmand, praised the crews, adding: "The Merlins will undergo an extensive programme of maintenance and cleaning before being packed up, ensuring they return to the UK in good order."
  • (6) The analysis is based on the personal experience of the authors with 117 cases and the review of 223 cases published in the literature.
  • (7) In the fall of 1975, 1,915 children in grades K through eight began a school-based program of supervised weekly rinsing with 0.2 percent aqueous solution of sodium fluoride in an unfluoridated community in the Finger Lakes area of upstate New York.
  • (8) Basing the prediction of student performance in medical school on intellective-cognitive abilities alone has proved to be more pertinent to academic achievement than to clinical practice.
  • (9) Induction of labor, based upon only (1) a finding of meconium in the amniocentesis group or (2) a positive test in the OCT group, was nearly three times more frequent in the amniocentesis group.
  • (10) Therefore, we have developed a powerful new microcomputer-based system which permits detailed investigations and evaluation of 3-D and 4-D (dynamic 3-D) biomedical images.
  • (11) The distance between the end of fic and the start of pabA was 31 base pairs.
  • (12) Based on several previous studies, which demonstrated that sorbitol accumulation in human red blood cells (RBCs) was a function of ambient glucose concentrations, either in vitro or in vivo, our investigations were conducted to determine if RBC sorbitol accumulation would correlate with sorbitol accumulation in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats; the effect of sorbinil in reducing sorbitol levels in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats would be reflected by changes in RBC sorbitol; and sorbinil would reduce RBC sorbitol in diabetic man.
  • (13) The method is based on two-dimensional scanning photon absorptiometry on the distal part of the forearm.
  • (14) At the fepB operator, a 31 base-pair Fur-protected region was identified, corresponding to positions -19 to +12 with respect to the transcriptional start site.
  • (15) Facebook Twitter Pinterest With a plot based around fake (or real?)
  • (16) Based on our results, we propose the following hypotheses for the neurochemical mechanisms of motion sickness: (1) the histaminergic neuron system is involved in the signs and symptoms of motion sickness, including vomiting; (2) the acetylcholinergic neuron system is involved in the processes of habituation to motion sickness, including neural store mechanisms; and (3) the catecholaminergic neuron system in the brain stem is not related to the development of motion sickness.
  • (17) Based on these results, we concluded that the inhibition of putrefactive anaerobe 3679 by sorbate resulted from a stringent-type regulatory response induced by the protonophoric activity of sorbic acid.
  • (18) Thus, mechanical restitution of the ventricle is a dynamic process that can be assessed using an elastance-based approach in the in situ heart.
  • (19) Mapping of the cross-link position between U2 and U6 RNAs is consistent with base-pairing between the 5' domain of U2 and the 3' end of U6 RNA.
  • (20) Descriptive features of the syndrome in children, adults and adolescents are given based on the respective work of Pine, Masterson and Kernberg.



  • (n.) A small Spanish silver coin; also, a denomination of money of account, formerly the unit of the Spanish monetary system.
  • (a.) Royal; regal; kingly.
  • (a.) Actually being or existing; not fictitious or imaginary; as, a description of real life.
  • (a.) True; genuine; not artificial, counterfeit, or factitious; often opposed to ostensible; as, the real reason; real Madeira wine; real ginger.
  • (a.) Relating to things, not to persons.
  • (a.) Having an assignable arithmetical or numerical value or meaning; not imaginary.
  • (a.) Pertaining to things fixed, permanent, or immovable, as to lands and tenements; as, real property, in distinction from personal or movable property.
  • (n.) A realist.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) You lot have got real issues to talk about and deal with.
  • (2) Facebook Twitter Pinterest With a plot based around fake (or real?)
  • (3) It did the job of triggering growth, but it also fueled real-estate speculation, similar to what was going on in the mid-2000s here.” Slowing economic growth may be another concern.
  • (4) A good example is Apple TV: Can it possibly generate real money at $100 a puck?
  • (5) The light intensity profile for any desired cell can be examined in "real time", even during acceleration of the rotor.
  • (6) It is intended to aid in finding the appropriate PI (proportional-integral) controller settings by means of computer simulation instead of real experiments with the system.
  • (7) Tap the relevant details into Google, though, and the real names soon appear before your eyes: the boss in question, stern and yet oddly quixotic, is Phyllis Westberg of Harold Ober Associates.
  • (8) There were soon tales of claimants dying after having had money withdrawn, but the real administrative problem was the explosion of appeals, which very often succeeded because many medical problems were being routinely ignored at the earlier stage.
  • (9) 75 min: Real Madrid substitution: Angel Di Maria off, Ricky Kaka on.
  • (10) It is clear that the linking of the naming rights to West Ham United generates real cash value for the LLDC and the taxpayer.
  • (11) The dual-probe system incorporates a central collimated probe for monitoring activity in the LV surrounded by an annular detector collimated in such a manner as to provide simultaneous real-time monitoring of the LV background activity.
  • (12) Real ear CVRs, calculated from real ear recordings of nonsense syllables, were obtained from eight hearing-impaired listeners.
  • (13) Zidane is the 15th manager Real Madrid have had since 2003.
  • (14) Further studies are required to show whether these differences are real and, if so, whether they have any relevance for the pathogenesis of migraine attacks.
  • (15) Real Labour would not just meddle with a cosmetic charge on rich London mansions .
  • (16) Thus, luciferase transcriptional fusions can detect subtle variations in initial rates of gene expression in a real-time, nondestructive assay.
  • (17) Thus, 10 degrees should be subtracted from the ultrasound values in order to obtain the real AV angles.
  • (18) It was not certain whether the association was real or what the explanation might be.
  • (19) "It will mean root-and-branch change for our banks if we are to deliver real change for Britain, if we are to rebuild our economy so it works for working people, and if we are to restore trust in a sector of our economy worth billions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of jobs to our country."
  • (20) The resulting corner is dealt with easily by Real, who scoot upfield through Di Maria.