What's the difference between bat and oak?



  • (n.) A large stick; a club; specifically, a piece of wood with one end thicker or broader than the other, used in playing baseball, cricket, etc.
  • (n.) Shale or bituminous shale.
  • (n.) A sheet of cotton used for filling quilts or comfortables; batting.
  • (n.) A part of a brick with one whole end.
  • (v. t.) To strike or hit with a bat or a pole; to cudgel; to beat.
  • (v. i.) To use a bat, as in a game of baseball.
  • (n.) One of the Cheiroptera, an order of flying mammals, in which the wings are formed by a membrane stretched between the elongated fingers, legs, and tail. The common bats are small and insectivorous. See Cheiroptera and Vampire.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Evidence is presented in support of the hypothesis that fresh bat guano serves as a means of pathogenic fungi dissemination in caves.
  • (2) Rhesus monkey BAT mitochondria (BATM) possess an uncoupling protein that is characteristic of BAT as evidenced by the binding of [3H]GDP, the inhibition by GDP of the high Cl- permeability or rapid alpha-glycerol-3-phosphate oxidation.
  • (3) Echo delay discrimination by the bat Eptesicus fuscus had been investigated in an experiment with simulated targets jittering in range (Simmons 1979).
  • (4) Additionally, in a group of bats, HRP was injected into various functionally (i.e., BF) identified regions of the central nucleus of the inferior coliculus (IC) to clarify the type and location of CN projecting neurons.
  • (5) Monaural plugging was performed on different juvenile bats at 7, 14, and 35 days of age.
  • (6) Bats infected with the high dose had viable H. capsulatum in the lungs, liver, spleen and gut as early as 2 weeks post-infection.
  • (7) Sympathetic activation of lipogenesis in BAT is not solely attributable to the action of noradrenaline but involves some non-adrenergic mechanism.
  • (8) I think it will be done right.” Jeter was cheered when he took batting practice and when he ran into his dugout when it was over.
  • (9) The relationship between the meal-induced increase in brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis, determined by the level of GDP binding to BAT mitochondria, and thyroid hormone metabolism have been examined.
  • (10) Plasma steroid binding was examined in samples obtained from seven species of bats representing four different families.
  • (11) Several haematological and biochemical parameters were measured in the erythrocytes of the grey-headed fruit bat.
  • (12) Rates of fatty acid synthesis in liver and BAT were several times greater than that in WAT.
  • (13) We also identified UCP in eight cases in group B, in five cases in group C and six cases in group D. The human H-UCP-0.5 genomic probe detected a typical BAT mRNA in the periadrenal adipose tissue of all subjects of groups B, C and D showing a positive Western blot.
  • (14) The 1,400 victims are those who had actually experienced sexual exploitation.” Determined that no one could bat away her findings, she had produced a 153-page report that spelled out in plain language the appalling abuse suffered by children aged 10-16 in the South Yorkshire town between 1997 and 2013.
  • (15) Excision of BAT, but not white adipose tissue increased RGE susceptibility of 21w rats.
  • (16) When the reference target to which the bats were trained was presented, targets differing in internal delay by about 1 microseconds were discriminated.
  • (17) The results suggest that BAT contains two different pathways for regulation of lipoprotein lipase activity, both involving mRNA synthesis.
  • (18) Bats have maximum life spans a minimum of 3 times those of nonflying eutherians--a trend resulting from neither low basal metabolic rate, the ability to enter torpor, nor large relative brain size.
  • (19) From January 1989 through December 1990, 74 patients were admitted to our urban level I trauma center with injuries inflicted by baseball bats.
  • (20) However, in both LSO and MSO there is an expanded representation of the frequencies around 60 kHz, the main frequency component of the bat's echolocation call; there is another expanded representation of the range around 90 kHz, the third harmonic of the call.



  • (n.) Any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus. The oaks have alternate leaves, often variously lobed, and staminate flowers in catkins. The fruit is a smooth nut, called an acorn, which is more or less inclosed in a scaly involucre called the cup or cupule. There are now recognized about three hundred species, of which nearly fifty occur in the United States, the rest in Europe, Asia, and the other parts of North America, a very few barely reaching the northern parts of South America and Africa. Many of the oaks form forest trees of grand proportions and live many centuries. The wood is usually hard and tough, and provided with conspicuous medullary rays, forming the silver grain.
  • (n.) The strong wood or timber of the oak.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The lesson, spelled out by Oak Creek's mayor, Steve Saffidi, was that it shouldn't have taken a tragedy for Sikhs, or anyone else, to find acceptance.
  • (2) Poison oak, ivy, and sumac dermatitis is a T-cell-mediated reaction against urushiol, the oil found in the leaf of the plants.
  • (3) By design these plants are adjacent to the AEC's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and such a location would seem ideal for an experiment on the wedding of nuclear and fossil sources of energy.
  • (4) The results indicated that the induction phase as well as the maintenance phase did not induce a statistically significant hyposensitivity to urushiol, and we were thus unable to decrease sensitivity to poison ivy and poison oak in humans using orally ingested PDC-HDC diacetate.
  • (5) The pollen of ash (Fraxinus), oak (Quercus), beech (Fagus) and plane tree (Platanus) was regularly found in high percentages during these years.
  • (6) The identification of this strain, originally called the Oak Ridge strain, and the establishment of a new species for it were based on morphologic, serologic, and immunochemical studies.
  • (7) It even had carved oak bears as newel posts on its modest staircase.
  • (8) At a press conference held outside the temple on Sunday, Oak Creek police chief John Edwards said the "heroic actions" of the two officers "stopped this from being worse than it could have been", noting that many people had gathered for worship at the time of the attack.
  • (9) It might smell close to pot, he said, but would be “tainted” because of all the other items and plants like poison oak burning along with it.
  • (10) In previous experiments it was found that birch, beech, alder, hazel and oak are pollens with importance in pathogenesis of early pollinosis in our region of Central Europe.
  • (11) Changes in IgE to oak, elm, box elder, AgE, and rye grass group I were minimal.
  • (12) The oak processionary moth, a native of southern and central Europe, has become established in south-west London and parts of the home counties since being found in England in 2006.
  • (13) It was shown that an increase in the content of 3-OAK-A in the liver during carcinogenesis initiation and progression is accompanied by a decrease in the AA content in this organ.
  • (14) Leaves collected from the gizzard were identified as coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia).
  • (15) We contrast two theoretical approaches to social influence, one stressing interpersonal dependence, conceptualized as normative and informational influence (Deutsch & Gerard, 1955), and the other stressing group membership, conceptualized as self-categorization and referent informational influence (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher & Wetherell, 1987).
  • (16) Amardeep Singh, of the Sikh Coalition, thanked Oak Creek's citizens for turning out in solidarity.
  • (17) The ash dieback fungus found in East Anglia last week is just the latest invader to pose a serious threat to UK trees, and government ecologists say that more than 3m larch trees as well as thousands of mature oaks and chestnuts have been felled in the past three years to prevent similar fatal plant diseases from spreading out of control.
  • (18) Soon he, Oakes and Alan Brien were all sharing an office.
  • (19) A mystery disease causing Britain's oak trees to "bleed to death" has prompted a £1.1m research effort to identify its cause.
  • (20) The most active were oak bark, sage and St. John's wort grass WAG extracts, horse radish root and leaf AG extracts, celandine grass WA extract; bur marigold and yarrow grass WA extracts were active towards S. aureus.

Words possibly related to "bat"