What's the difference between benefit and cause?



  • (n.) An act of kindness; a favor conferred.
  • (n.) Whatever promotes prosperity and personal happiness, or adds value to property; advantage; profit.
  • (n.) A theatrical performance, a concert, or the like, the proceeds of which do not go to the lessee of the theater or to the company, but to some individual actor, or to some charitable use.
  • (n.) Beneficence; liberality.
  • (n.) Natural advantages; endowments; accomplishments.
  • (v. t.) To be beneficial to; to do good to; to advantage; to advance in health or prosperity; to be useful to; to profit.
  • (v. i.) To gain advantage; to make improvement; to profit; as, he will benefit by the change.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Child benefit has already been withdrawn from higher rate taxpayers.
  • (2) A statement from the company said it had assigned all its assets for the benefit of creditors, in accordance with Massachusetts' law.
  • (3) Benefits increase with an individual's initial cholesterol level and decrease with the age at which an intervention is initiated.
  • (4) It ignores the reduction in the wider, non-NHS cost of adult mental illness such as benefit payments and forgone tax, calculated by the LSE report as £28bn a year.
  • (5) This "paradox of redistribution" was certainly observable in Britain, where Welfare retained its status as one of the 20th century's most exalted creations, even while those claiming benefits were treated with ever greater contempt.
  • (6) I fear that I will have to go through another witch-hunt in order to apply for this benefit."
  • (7) Because they generally have to be positioned on hills to get the maximum benefits of the wind, some complain that they ruin the landscape.
  • (8) Other than failing to get a goal, I couldn’t ask for anything more.” From Lambert’s perspective there was an element of misfortune about the first and third goals, with Willian benefitting from handy ricochets on both occasions.
  • (9) In patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, although either sympathomimetic or anticholinergic therapy provides bronchodilatation, no further benefit could be demonstrated from combination therapy.
  • (10) But still we have to fight for health benefits, we have to jump through loops … Why doesn’t the NFL offer free healthcare for life, especially for those suffering from brain injury?” The commissioner, however, was quick to remind Davis that benefits are agreed as part of the collective bargaining process held between the league and the players’ union, and said that they had been extended during the most recent round of negotiations.
  • (11) In France, there is still a meaningful connection between earnings, social contributions paid in, and benefit paid out.
  • (12) The value of benefit-risk, benefit-cost, and cost-effectiveness analyses lies not in providing the definitive basis for a decision on vaccine use or evaluation.
  • (13) The results indicate that the legislated increase in the age of eligibility for full Social Security benefits beginning in the 21st century will have relatively small effects on the ages of retirement and benefit acceptance.
  • (14) The chancellor confirmed he would bring in a welfare cap of £119.5bn, with the state pension and unemployment benefits exempted from this.
  • (15) These data suggest that although the major effect of ALP is on the inhibition of the generation of the autoimmune response there appeared to be some therapeutic benefit at a later stage of acute disease.
  • (16) Acetylsalicylic acid has been shown to reduce significantly stroke, death and stroke-related death in men, with no detectable benefit for women.
  • (17) Some women have clinically obvious cervical incompetence and may benefit from a cerclage operation, but criteria for early diagnosis are not universally agreed upon.
  • (18) "If you are not prepared to learn English, your benefits will be cut," he said.
  • (19) Of course it is important to ensure shareholders enjoy the benefits of investing in the company, they are the owners.
  • (20) Considerations on costs and benefits demonstrate that the treatment of severely injured patients, who otherwise would die, results in a considerable social and economic saving (approximately 90 million Swiss francs for the 316 trauma patients analyzed).



  • (v.) That which produces or effects a result; that from which anything proceeds, and without which it would not exist.
  • (v.) That which is the occasion of an action or state; ground; reason; motive; as, cause for rejoicing.
  • (v.) Sake; interest; advantage.
  • (v.) A suit or action in court; any legal process by which a party endeavors to obtain his claim, or what he regards as his right; case; ground of action.
  • (v.) Any subject of discussion or debate; matter; question; affair in general.
  • (v.) The side of a question, which is espoused, advocated, and upheld by a person or party; a principle which is advocated; that which a person or party seeks to attain.
  • (n.) To effect as an agent; to produce; to be the occasion of; to bring about; to bring into existence; to make; -- usually followed by an infinitive, sometimes by that with a finite verb.
  • (v. i.) To assign or show cause; to give a reason; to make excuse.
  • (conj.) Abbreviation of Because.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The variation in thickness of the LLFL may modulate the species causing damage to the cells below it.
  • (2) Tryptic digestion of the membranes caused complete disappearance of the binding activity, but heat-treatment for 5 min at 70 degrees C caused only 40% loss of activity.
  • (3) Bronchial challenge caused an immediate asthmatic response.
  • (4) During the performance of propulsive waves of the oesophagus the implanted vagus nerve caused clonic to tetanic contractions of the sternohyoid muscle, thus proving the oesophagomotor genesis of the reinnervating nerve fibres.
  • (5) The pattern of the stressor that causes a change in the pitch can be often identified only tentatively, if there is no additional information.
  • (6) This study examined the [3H]5-HT-releasing properties of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and related agents, all of which cause significant release of [3H]5-HT from rat brain synaptosomes.
  • (7) Tests showed the cells survive and function normally in animals and reverse movement problems caused by Parkinson's in monkeys.
  • (8) However, the degree of sedation caused by diphenhydramine was significantly greater than that caused by cimetidine (P = .0001).
  • (9) of PLA2 caused marked degranulation of mast cells in the rat mesentery which was facilitated by addition of calcium ion (10 mM) but antagonized by pretreating with three antiinflammatory agents.
  • (10) In order to control noise- and vibration-caused diseases it was necessary not only to improve machines' quality and service conditions but also to pay special attention to the choice of operators and to the quality of monitoring their adaptation process.
  • (11) Acquired drug resistance to INH, RMP, and EMB can be demonstrated in M. kansasii, and SMX in combination with other agents chosen on the basis of MIC determinations are effective in the treatment of disease caused by RMP-resistant M. kansasii.
  • (12) But soon after aid workers departed, barrel bombs dropped by Syrian helicopters caused renewed destruction.
  • (13) This modulation results from repetitive, alternating bursts of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, which are caused at least in part by synaptic feedback to the command neurons from identified classes of neurons in the feeding network.
  • (14) Inadequate treatment, caused by a lack of drugs and poorly trained medical attendants, is also a major problem.
  • (15) The agent present in the serum which causes dissolution of the fibrin clot was isolated and identified as pepsinogen.
  • (16) We studied the hemodynamic changes caused by bronchoscopy under LA in mechanically ventilated patients and the effect of LA on the endoscopic decline in arterial pO2.
  • (17) Oral administration in domestic cats causes malignant hepatomas and tumors of the esophagus and kidney.
  • (18) A segment of vas deferens was transplanted to the contralateral deferens with the intention of improving treatment for certain cases of infertility caused by obstruction.
  • (19) In experiments performed to determine whether PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysis induced by TRH may have been caused by the elevation of [Ca2+]i, the following results were obtained: the effect of TRH to decrease the level of PtdIns(4,5)P2 was not reproduced by the calcium ionophore A23187 or by membrane depolarization with 50 mM K+; the calcium antagonist TMB-8 did not inhibit the TRH-induced decrease in PtdIns(4,5)P2; and, most importantly, inhibition by EGTA of the elevation of [Ca2+]i did not inhibit the TRH-induced decrease in PtdIns(4,5)P2.
  • (20) Chloroquine induced large cytoplasmic vacuoles, whereas the other drugs (quinacrine, 4,4'-diethylaminoethoxyhexestrol, chlorphentermine, iprindole, 1-chloro-amitriptyline, clomipramine) caused formation of lamellated or crystalloid inclusions as usually seen in drug-induced lipidosis.