(1) Epidemiologists need to conduct studies to determine if there is an increased likelihood of developing cancer in betel chewing pregnant women and OC users due to increased sensitivity of their lymphocytes to genetic damage compared with nonchewing pregnant women and OC users.
(2) Boric acid, propionic acid and potassium metabisulphite were used for the control of aflatoxin B1 on betel nuts.
(3) The results suggest that formation of reactive oxygen species in the presence of NNN may be a key factor in the initiation of oral tumours in tobacco and betel-quid chewers.
(4) Betel leaf extract at the dose levels used in the present study did not affect the body weight gain among rats.
(5) It was found that among the betel chewers as well as the non betels chewers., the highest caries susceptibility was in the age group of 20-34 years.
(6) Powdered slaked lime applied to the chewed Areca nut with Piper betle inflorescence at the corner of the mouth causes the mean pH to rise to 10, at which reactive oxygen species are generated from betel quid ingredients in vitro.
(7) Moreover both the extracts of betel leaf reduce the mutagenicity of benzo(a)pyrene and dimethylbenzanthracene.
(8) Areca cattechu Linn is commonly known as areca nut or betel nut.
(9) The effect of betel leaf extract and some of its constituents, eugenol, hydroxychavicol, beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol, on benzo[a]pyrene-induced forestomach neoplasia in male Swiss mice was examined.
(10) The frequency of micronucleated cells (MNC) derived from exfoliated human oral mucosal cells has been measured to assess genotoxic damage in chewers of betel quid with tobacco (BQT) and tobacco with lime (T).
(11) Of seven sources, Banarasi betel leaves showed the maximum amounts of beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol.
(12) Taken together, the observed pathobiological effects of areca-nut extract and certain related compounds in cultured human buccal epithelial cells indicate that these agents may contribute to the oral carcinogenicity associated with chewing betel quid.
(13) The elevation of MEC in Taiwanese, who are at low risk for oral cancer, is relatively small as compared to that found in chewers of Indian betel quids (pan), who show a highly elevated oral cancer risk.
(14) There is a need for more active and culturally appropriate health education programs to help prevent the negative effects of betel-nut chewing.
(15) DMSO extract of a mixture of tobacco and betel nut positively increased the incidence of early malignant changes in the hamster cheek pouch, indicating the enhancing effect of betel nut in carcinogenesis.
(16) A link between the generation of areca nut-related N-nitrosamines in the saliva, the induction of genotoxic damage in the oral mucosa, as judged by an increase in micronucleated exfoliated cells (MEC), and a low incidence of oral cancer was studied in 2 population groups characterized by their habit of chewing quids without tobacco: Guamanians, who chew areca nuts (Areca catechu) with or without the addition of betel leaf (Piper betle); Taiwanese, who use areca nut, betel leaf or inference and slaked lime.
(17) In addition, she had discontinued chewing betel nut that was used daily by virtually all of her fellow islanders on Yap.
(18) Arecoline, a major betel nut alkaloid, was tested for its effectiveness in inducing micronuclei in fetal mouse blood after transplacental exposure late in the gestation period.
(19) "Municipal officers used to come and demand bribes every month from all the street shops and vendors; I would curse them under my breath but used to pay," said Tara Kant Jha, 46, a street vendor who sells cigarettes and betel leaves – used like chewing tobacco.
(20) (3) Formation of endogenous NOC was assessed by the NPRO test in: (i) subjects living in high- and low-incidence areas for stomach cancer in northern Japan, Costa Rica and Poland; (ii) subjects with different habits of betel-quid chewing and tobacco use; (iii) patients with urinary bladder infections; and (iv) subjects infested with liver fluke in Thailand.
(a.) To gain by superiority in competition or contest; to obtain by victory over competitors or rivals; as, to win the prize in a gate; to win money; to win a battle, or to win a country.
(a.) To allure to kindness; to bring to compliance; to gain or obtain, as by solicitation or courtship.
(a.) To gain over to one's side or party; to obtain the favor, friendship, or support of; to render friendly or approving; as, to win an enemy; to win a jury.
(a.) To come to by toil or effort; to reach; to overtake.
(a.) To extract, as ore or coal.
(v. i.) To gain the victory; to be successful; to triumph; to prevail.
Example Sentences:
(1) He was the first to win as a captain and a manager.
(2) We knew it would be a strange match because they had to come out and play to win to finish third,” Benitez said afterwards.
(3) Johnson and Campion are optimistic that marriage equality will win out, and soon.
(4) Spotlight is still the favourite to win best picture A dinner in Beverly Hills was hosted in Spotlight’s honor on Sunday night.
(5) As James said in Friday’s announcement, his goal was to win championships, and in Miami he was able to reach the NBA Finals every year.
(6) We are deeply saddened," said Nyan Win, a spokesman of National League for Democracy.
(7) Two years later, Trump tweeted that “Obama’s motto” was: “If I don’t go on taxpayer funded vacations & constantly fundraise then the terrorists win.” The joke, it turns out, is on Trump.
(8) No one expected us to win either of these byelections, but we can’t ignore how disappointing these results are,” he said, referring also to last week’s Richmond Park byelection.
(9) If Del Bosque really want to win this World Cup thingymebob, then he has got to tell Iker Casillas that the jig is up, correct?
(10) Perhaps there were some other generations in Portuguese football with more talent, but they didn’t win.
(11) The review will now be delayed for five years, leaving the next election to be fought on the existing constituency boundaries, and seriously damaging David Cameron's chances of winning an overall majority in 2015.
(12) Everyone is expecting them to win and I think that’s a double-edged sword.
(13) Unfortunately for the governor, he could win both states and still face the overwhelming likelihood of failure if he doesn't take Ohio, where the poll found Obama out front 51-43.
(14) Winning and losing were predicted to be more significant in determining cardiovascular responses for Type A's than for Type B's.
(15) The result will be yet another humiliating hammering for Labour in a seat it could never win, but hey, never mind.
(16) That’s why I thought: ‘I hope Tyson wins – even if he never gives me a shot.’ As long as the heavyweight titles are out of Germany we could have some interesting fights.
(17) In confidence rape, the assailant is known to some degree, however slight, and gains control over his victim by winning her trust.
(18) With their 43-8 win , the Seahawks did more than just produce one of the most dominant performances in Super Bowl history, they gave the city of Seattle its first major professional sports win in 35 years .
(19) Can somebody who is not a billionaire, who stands for working families, actually win an election into which billionaires are pouring millions of dollars?” Naming prominent and controversial rightwing donors, he said: “It is not just Hillary, it is the Koch brothers, it is Sheldon Adelson.” Stephanopoulos seized the moment, asking: “Are you lumping her in with them?” Choosing to refer to the 2010 supreme court decision that removed limits on corporate political donations, rather than address the question directly, Sanders replied: “What I am saying is that I get very frightened about the future of American democracy when this becomes a battle between billionaires.
(20) The only lesson I’ll learn from this is don’t win in the third round.