(1) The role of the family practitioner in antenatal care is discussed.
(2) Patients with normal echocardiogram and ECG on admission do not require intensive care monitoring.
(3) HSV I infection of the hand classically occurs in children with herpetic stomatitis and in health care workers infected during patient care delivery.
(4) A change in the pattern of care of children with IDDM, led to a pronounced decrease in hospital use by this patient group.
(5) Participants (n=165) entering a week-long outpatient education program completed a protocol measuring self-care patterns, glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and emotional well-being.
(6) It involves creativity, understanding of art form and the ability to improvise in the highly complex environment of a care setting.” David Cameron has boosted dementia awareness but more needs to be done Read more She warns: “To effect a cultural change in dementia care requires a change of thinking … this approach is complex and intricate, and can change cultural attitudes by regarding the arts as central to everyday life of the care home.” Another participant, Mary*, a former teacher who had been bedridden for a year, read plays with the reminiscence arts practitioner.
(7) Handing Greater Manchester’s £6bn health and social care budget over to the city’s combined authority is the most exciting experiment in local government and the health service in decades – but the risks are huge.
(8) The way we are going to pay for that is by making the rules the same for people who go into care homes as for people who get care at their home, and by means-testing the winter fuel payment, which currently isn’t.” Hunt said the plan showed the Conservatives were capable of making difficult choices.
(9) Suggested is a carefully prepared system of cycling videocassettes, to effect the dissemination of current medical information from leading medical centers to medical and paramedical people in the "bush".
(10) As important providers of health care education, nurses need to be fully informed of the research findings relevant to effective interventions designed to motivate health-related behavior change.
(11) Community involvement is a key element of the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach, and thus an essential topic on a course for managers of Primary Health Care programmes.
(12) These findings raise questions regarding the efficacy of medical school curriculum in motivating career choices in primary care.
(13) Careful attention must be given to antibiotic choice as well as the dose and duration of therapy.
(14) However, used effectively, credit can help you to make the most of your money - so long as you are careful!
(15) If there is a will to use primary Care centres for effective preventive action in the population as a whole, motivation of the professionals involved and organisational changes will be necessary so as not to perpetuate the law of inverse care.
(16) This article reviews the care of the chest-injured patient during the intensive care unit phase of his or her recovery.
(17) Parents believed they should try to normalize their child's experiences, that interactions with health care professionals required negotiation and assertiveness, and that they needed some support person(s) outside of the family.
(18) When you have been out for a month you need to prepare properly before you come back.” Pellegrini will make his own assessment of Kompany’s fitness before deciding whether to play him in the Bournemouth game, which he is careful to stress may not be the foregone conclusion the league table might suggest.
(19) Midtrimester abortion by the dilatation and evacuation (D&E) method has generated controversy among health care providers; many authorities insist that this procedure should be performed only by a small group of experts.
(20) Our results underline the importance of patient-related factors in MVR, and indicate that care is needed in comparing the quality of MVR from different institutions with respect to mortality and morbidity.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nurture
Example Sentences:
(1) In this study we have developed a measure of homemaker functioning based on conceptualizing the homemaker role on two dimensions: the instrumental functions associated with meeting the physical needs of the household and the nurturant dimension concerned with meeting the expressive needs of the household.
(2) The assessment of the infant's capacity to organize positive interaction experiences with a nurturing adult has led us to better understand the plasticity process which permits the neonate's recuperation form damage to the central nervous system (CNS).
(3) [We need to do more] to commission new work and nurture new talent [in the arts].
(4) Previous research by Bem has indicated that androgynous individuals of both sexes display "masculine" independence when under pressure to conform as well as "feminine" nurturance when interacting with a kitten.
(5) Thus the parents can utilize their nurturing capacities in their relationship with the child to bring about the best recuperation possible.
(6) That pattern is a dynamic tension that should be nurtured in the best interests of our options at the end of life.
(7) He says Britain needs to nurture manufacturing, perhaps taking a leaf out of Germany's book where businesses, regional and national banks work together to support enterprises for the long term.
(8) It is suggested that though competition with the maternal-nurturant rival may be worked through, often there is incomplete resolution of the surpassing and separation from the protective, loving, but dominant oedipal father, thus limiting true professional autonomy.
(9) Lord Mandelson, who has admitted New Labour did not do enough to nurture an active industrial policy in government, is leading a review of globalisation on behalf of the left-of-centre thinktank, the IPPR.
(10) By 2008, Ritchie realised he needed somebody to help nurture his baby.
(11) and emphasise nurturing, play and self-esteem (overfetishised!).
(12) Much of this money is being invested in nurturing new talent and producing great new music.
(13) What must be done to ensure a working environment that encourages and nurtures the development of young nurses?
(14) His ideas influenced the British Council of Churches’ reports The Child in the Church (1976) and Understanding Christian Nurture (1981).
(15) Nurturing a broad-based social consensus is more important than scoring points in a name-calling debate.
(16) But whatever, we have to look at the immediate future, make sure we have good people who can improve as individuals and good people at the top who can nurture them.
(17) However, nurturers of Britain’s nascent wine industry with an eye on an emerging market, where appreciation of wine is a status symbol, might hope that senior communist party palettes will have been tickled by the Ridgeview Grosvenor 2009, a sparking English wine originating in West Sussex.
(18) "The world that the nurturant parent seeks to create has exactly the opposite properties," Lakoff writes in Moral Politics .
(19) They were also remote from Chast, not particularly nurturing, and very much parents, not friends.
(20) MT: My sense is that theatre has been a place where people like Ian McKellen were nurtured and that that may have contributed to his powerful impact on the wider world.