What's the difference between change and rest?



  • (v. t.) To alter; to make different; to cause to pass from one state to another; as, to change the position, character, or appearance of a thing; to change the countenance.
  • (v. t.) To alter by substituting something else for, or by giving up for something else; as, to change the clothes; to change one's occupation; to change one's intention.
  • (v. t.) To give and take reciprocally; to exchange; -- followed by with; as, to change place, or hats, or money, with another.
  • (v. t.) Specifically: To give, or receive, smaller denominations of money (technically called change) for; as, to change a gold coin or a bank bill.
  • (v. i.) To be altered; to undergo variation; as, men sometimes change for the better.
  • (v. i.) To pass from one phase to another; as, the moon changes to-morrow night.
  • (v. t.) Any variation or alteration; a passing from one state or form to another; as, a change of countenance; a change of habits or principles.
  • (v. t.) A succesion or substitution of one thing in the place of another; a difference; novelty; variety; as, a change of seasons.
  • (v. t.) A passing from one phase to another; as, a change of the moon.
  • (v. t.) Alteration in the order of a series; permutation.
  • (v. t.) That which makes a variety, or may be substituted for another.
  • (v. t.) Small money; the money by means of which the larger coins and bank bills are made available in small dealings; hence, the balance returned when payment is tendered by a coin or note exceeding the sum due.
  • (v. t.) A place where merchants and others meet to transact business; a building appropriated for mercantile transactions.
  • (v. t.) A public house; an alehouse.
  • (v. t.) Any order in which a number of bells are struck, other than that of the diatonic scale.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Once treatment began, no significant changes occurred in Group 1, but both PRA and A2 rose significantly in Groups 2 and 3.
  • (2) Thirty-two patients (10 male, 22 female; age 37-82 years) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis or haemofiltration were studied by means of Holter device capable of simultaneously analysing rhythm and ST-changes in three leads.
  • (3) The assembly reaction is accompanied by characteristic changes in fluorescence emission and dichroic absorption.
  • (4) Although the mean values for all hemodynamic variables between the two placebo periods were minimally changed, the differences in individual patients were striking.
  • (5) It is concluded that during exposure to simulated microgravity early signs of osteoporosis occur in the tibial spongiosa and that changes in the spongy matter of tubular bones and vertebrae are similar and systemic.
  • (6) The various evocational changes appear to form sets of interconnected systems and this complex network seems to embody some plasticity since it has been possible to suppress experimentally some of the most universal evocational events or alter their temporal order without impairing evocation itself.
  • (7) A change in the pattern of care of children with IDDM, led to a pronounced decrease in hospital use by this patient group.
  • (8) The pattern of the stressor that causes a change in the pitch can be often identified only tentatively, if there is no additional information.
  • (9) It has been generally believed that the ligand-binding of steroid hormone receptors triggers an allosteric change in receptor structure, manifested by an increased affinity of the receptor for DNA in vitro and nuclear target elements in vivo, as monitored by nuclear translocation.
  • (10) Changes in cardiac adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were followed and intracellular pH (pHi) was estimated from the chemical shift of Pi.
  • (11) Subsequently, the study of bundle branch block and A-V block cases revealed that no explicit correlation existed between histopathological changes and functional disturbances nor between disturbances in conduction (i.e.
  • (12) It involves creativity, understanding of art form and the ability to improvise in the highly complex environment of a care setting.” David Cameron has boosted dementia awareness but more needs to be done Read more She warns: “To effect a cultural change in dementia care requires a change of thinking … this approach is complex and intricate, and can change cultural attitudes by regarding the arts as central to everyday life of the care home.” Another participant, Mary*, a former teacher who had been bedridden for a year, read plays with the reminiscence arts practitioner.
  • (13) As collapse was imminent, MAP increased but CO and TPR did not change significantly.
  • (14) Then a handful of organisers took a major bet on the power of people – calling for the largest climate change mobilisation in history to kick-start political momentum.
  • (15) Type 1 changes (decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted spin-echo images and increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images) were identified in 20 patients (4%) and type 2 (increased signal intensity on T1-weighted images and isointense or slightly increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images) in 77 patients (16%).
  • (16) No significant change occurred in the bacterial population of our hospital unit during the period of the study (more than 3 years).
  • (17) The availability and success of changes in reproductive technology should lead to a reappraisal of the indications for hysterectomy, especially in young women.
  • (18) The epidemiology of HIV infection among women and hence among children has progressively changed since the onset of the epidemic in Western countries.
  • (19) The present study examined whether the lack of chronic hemodynamic effects of ANP in control rats was due to changes in vascular reactivity to the peptide.
  • (20) The pancreatic changes are unlikely to be an artefact, but rather a direct toxic effect of the alcohol as confirmed by the biochemical changes.



  • (v. t.) To arrest.
  • (n.) A state of quiet or repose; a cessation from motion or labor; tranquillity; as, rest from mental exertion; rest of body or mind.
  • (n.) Hence, freedom from everything which wearies or disturbs; peace; security.
  • (n.) Sleep; slumber; hence, poetically, death.
  • (n.) That on which anything rests or leans for support; as, a rest in a lathe, for supporting the cutting tool or steadying the work.
  • (n.) A projection from the right side of the cuirass, serving to support the lance.
  • (n.) A place where one may rest, either temporarily, as in an inn, or permanently, as, in an abode.
  • (n.) A short pause in reading verse; a c/sura.
  • (n.) The striking of a balance at regular intervals in a running account.
  • (n.) A set or game at tennis.
  • (n.) Silence in music or in one of its parts; the name of the character that stands for such silence. They are named as notes are, whole, half, quarter,etc.
  • (n.) To cease from action or motion, especially from action which has caused weariness; to desist from labor or exertion.
  • (n.) To be free from whanever wearies or disturbs; to be quiet or still.
  • (n.) To lie; to repose; to recline; to lan; as, to rest on a couch.
  • (n.) To stand firm; to be fixed; to be supported; as, a column rests on its pedestal.
  • (n.) To sleep; to slumber; hence, poetically, to be dead.
  • (n.) To lean in confidence; to trust; to rely; to repose without anxiety; as, to rest on a man's promise.
  • (n.) To be satisfied; to acquiesce.
  • (v. t.) To lay or place at rest; to quiet.
  • (v. t.) To place, as on a support; to cause to lean.
  • (n.) That which is left, or which remains after the separation of a part, either in fact or in contemplation; remainder; residue.
  • (n.) Those not included in a proposition or description; the remainder; others.
  • (n.) A surplus held as a reserved fund by a bank to equalize its dividends, etc.; in the Bank of England, the balance of assets above liabilities.
  • (v. i.) To be left; to remain; to continue to be.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Circuit weight training does not exacerbate resting or exercise blood pressure and may have beneficial effects.
  • (2) In contrast, resting cells of strain CHA750 produced five times less IAA in a buffer (pH 6.0) containing 1 mM-L-tryptophan than did resting cells of the wild-type, illustrating the major contribution of TSO to IAA synthesis under these conditions.
  • (3) Manometric studies with resting cells obtained by growth on each of these sulfur sources yielded net oxygen uptake for all substrates except sulfite and dithionate.
  • (4) The results also suggest that the dispersed condition of pigment in the melanophores represents the "resting state" of the melanophores when they are under no stimulation.
  • (5) Immediate postexercise two-dimensional echocardiography demonstrated exercise-induced changes in 8 (47%) patients (2 with normal and 6 with abnormal results from rest studies).
  • (6) Only in 17 of the 97 examinees all the examined parameters were found normal, in the rest deviations from the normal echographic picture were revealed.
  • (7) Subjects then rested supine until 10.00 h when blood was again taken, and blood pressure recorded.
  • (8) "The proposed 'reform' is designed to legitimise this blatantly unfair, police state practice, while leaving the rest of the criminal procedure law as misleading decoration," said Professor Jerome Cohen, an expert on China at New York University's School of Law.
  • (9) Under resting conditions, the variance of cerebral metabolism seems to be primarily related to regions which are closely involved with the limbic system.
  • (10) In a comparative study 11 athletes and 11 untrained students were investigated at rest, of these 6 trained and 5 untrained individuals during exercise as well.
  • (11) Channel activation persists through the process of platelet isolation and washing and is manifested in higher measured values of [Ca2+]cyt and [Ca2+]dt in the "resting state."
  • (12) Keep it in the ground campaign Though they draw on completely different archives, leaked documents, and interviews with ex-employees, they reach the same damning conclusion: Exxon knew all that there was to know about climate change decades ago, and instead of alerting the rest of us denied the science and obstructed the politics of global warming.
  • (13) The spikes likely correspond to VP3, a hemagglutinin, while the rest of the mass density in the outer shell represents 780 molecules of VP7, a neutralization antigen.
  • (14) Furthermore, experiments with the fluorescence-activated cell sorter revealed increased forward light scatter from resting exudate PMN compared to blood PMN.
  • (15) 14 patients with painful neuroma, skin hyperesthesia or neuralgic rest pain were followed up (mean 20 months) after excision of skin and scar, neurolysis and coverage with pedicled or free flaps.
  • (16) Among the 295 nonpathogenic strains, 115 were sensitive to all antibiotics whereas the rest were resistant to 1-5 kinds of antibiotics.
  • (17) The children's pulse, pulse rate variability, and blood pressure were then measured at rest and during a challenging situation.
  • (18) The functional capacity to present antigens to T cells was lacking in normal resting B cells, but was acquired following LK treatment.
  • (19) Assessments were made daily by patients, using visual analogue scales, of their pain levels at rest, at night and on activity, and of the limitation of their activity.
  • (20) An "overshoot" elevation of ejection fraction above resting levels was demonstrated following termination of exercise in most patients.