(n.) A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower level, or through which water passes to a wheel.
(n.) See Shoot.
Example Sentences:
(1) The ring was in the collection of the Chute family – which for generations was interested in politics, collecting, and antiquarian research – for centuries before the house came to the National Trust in the 1930s.
(2) Passengers on board a flight to Kalibo, in the Philippines, tweeted photos of the plane with its emergency chutes deployed after it apparently overshot the runway while landing in bad weather.
(3) Bradford was knocked into the chute and crushed against the floor.
(4) Blind behavioral testing in a "squeeze chute" was conducted 40 minutes after injection.
(5) Factors leading to injury included rapid onset of colder temperatures, sudden reuse of snowblowers after storage for the summer, a heavy mid-week storm that created a sense of urgency to clear snow in dusky light conditions after a day at work, frustration as exit chutes became repeatedly clogged with heavy wet snow and limited operator education.
(6) Unlike any other animal in this country - except, perhaps, the mole, whose condition is, if anything, even more opaque, and just as likely to be following its own chute to oblivion - the hedgehog has always been a symbol and embodiment of something subtle and tender in the landscape.
(7) She said the emergency chute had not deployed so they jumped to the tarmac.
(8) Because this seems to represent a new cause of SCI, we advise the authorities to reassess the security regarding chute construction and the necessary water depth.
(9) The upmarket steakhouse is so much part of the New York establishment its famous wine cellars – cleverly concealed behind camouflaged doors, invisible chutes and revolving bars to thwart prohibition enforcers searching for illegal liquor – have housed the private collections of Ford and Nixon, as well as those of Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Mae West, Eva Gabor and Aristotle Onassis, to name but a few.
(10) Then called the "No-Spill" cutting board, the white kitchen aid stood apart in that it could be folded at an angle into a chute so that all the food that was chopped would flow straight into the pot, an idea which had failed to draw the attention of consumers when it was designed about 25 years ago.
(11) 'CHUTE: THE ANNUAL "Birmingham and Sunderland have been promoted back to the Premier League at the first attempt," writes Simon Phillips.
(12) Air sampling for organic dusts and microorganisms was carried out in silos when moldy silage was discarded through the discharge chute.
(13) Escape was made over the seat backs, down an escape chute to a position 12 m from the base of the chute.
(14) The chimpanzees used the inside run, connective chute, concrete slab, and grass areas most.
(15) About +47,000 in replacement costs have been saved since the hospital instituted a plan to retrieve materials that are inadvertantly deposited in laundry chutes with soiled linens.
(16) Lydney was re-excavated by the maverick archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler, who called in Tolkien in 1929 to advise on the odd name of the god – and also spotted the connection between the name on the curse and the Chute family's peculiar ring.
(17) John Bradford, 62, died while moving an elephant into a chute connecting barn stalls to the barnyard at the Dickerson Park Zoo on Friday, city spokeswoman Cora Scott said.
(18) To reduce stress from handling at treatment time, each calf was herded through the squeeze chute daily for 5 d before the experiment.
(19) Be sure to catch the sidewalk-clearing bit: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Share Share this post Facebook Twitter Pinterest close (via @ rubinafillion ) Updated at 5.51pm GMT 5.44pm GMT Our first and perhaps only snowblower operation tip of the day, courtesy of the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services : NYS DHSES (@NYSDHSES) Make sure your snow blower discharge chute is not aimed at passing motorists or pedestrians #winterstorm January 3, 2014 5.40pm GMT Still planning Friday travel?
(20) On the other hand if you go to McDonald’s, you won’t have a problem with punching buttons and having a burger come out of a chute somewhere.” One issue that will loom ever larger as the incidence of automation increases, according to Kaplan, is inequality.
(n.) A large door or passageway in the wall of a city, of an inclosed field or place, or of a grand edifice, etc.; also, the movable structure of timber, metal, etc., by which the passage can be closed.
(n.) An opening for passage in any inclosing wall, fence, or barrier; or the suspended framework which closes or opens a passage. Also, figuratively, a means or way of entrance or of exit.
(n.) A door, valve, or other device, for stopping the passage of water through a dam, lock, pipe, etc.
(n.) The places which command the entrances or access; hence, place of vantage; power; might.
(n.) In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into.
(n.) The channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mold; the ingate.
(n.) The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece.
(v. t.) To supply with a gate.
(v. t.) To punish by requiring to be within the gates at an earlier hour than usual.
(n.) A way; a path; a road; a street (as in Highgate).
(n.) Manner; gait.
Example Sentences:
(1) Modulation of the voltage-gated K+ conductance in T-lymphocytes by substance P was examined.
(2) She said that even as she approached the gates, she was debating with the boy’s father whether to let the first-grader enter.
(3) The Brandenburg Gate was lit up in the colours of the German flag.
(4) The committee is chaired by John Thompson, the board's lead independent director, and includes Microsoft founder and chairman, Bill Gates, as well as other board members Chuck Noski and Steve Luczo.
(5) Right ventricular volumes were determined in 12 patients with different levels of right and left ventricular function by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using an ECG gated multisection technique in planes perpendicular to the diastolic position of the interventricular septum.
(6) Britain has been the Gates foundation’s second largest recipient, receiving 25 grants worth $156m since 2003.
(7) A method using selective saturation pulses and gated spin-echo MRI automatically corrects for this motion and thus eliminates misregistration artifact from regional function analysis.
(8) Gated blood pool images were stored in modified left anterior oblique views by the multiple gated method (28 frames per beat) after the in vivo labeling of erythrocytes using 25 mCi 99m-Tc.
(9) Four days after a 5 minute bilateral carotid artery occlusion, receptor autoradiography was performed to measure the binding of [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) to the GABA-gated chloride channel.
(10) Similar responses were obtained with gated noise bursts and by pauses in a series of clicks.
(11) The estimated forward (k) and backward (1) rate constants are: 2.45 x I05 M-1 s- and 0.23 x 103 s-1, respectively, for k and I for the case when the drug is trapped by both activation and inactivation gates, and 3.58 x 105 M-l s-l and 4.15 x 10-3 S-l for the case when the drug is not trapped.
(12) p-NCS-TBOB should prove useful in electrophysiological and biochemical studies examining the properties of GABA-gated Cl- channels.
(13) The involvement of the endothelium and the role of change in membrane potential are evaluated and lead to the conclusion that pressure and flow effects do not depend exclusively on the release of endothelial factors nor the activation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.
(14) Norwich Ownership Delia Smith and her husband Michael Wynn Jones own 53.1% of the club’s shares; deputy chairman Michael Foulger owns approximately 16% Gate receipts £12m Broadcasting and media £70m Catering £4m Commercial & other income £12m Net debt Not stated; £2.7m bank overdraft, no directors’ loans.
(15) This conductance is activated when the cis side is made positive, with an apparent gating charge of 3.
(16) In addition to improved image quality, the characteristics of 99mTc sestamibi allow gated planar or SPECT perfusion images to be obtained.
(17) Perijunctional Na+ channels had the same voltage dependence, gating kinetics and sensitivity to tetrodotoxin as extrajunctional Na+ channels, suggesting that these cells express a single type of Na+ channel.
(18) Charge conservation analysis explicitly includes the gating charge when applied in the laboratory frame.
(19) We found the incorporated channels to be insensitive to calcium and octanol, and in most cases to pH in the range of 5-7, suggesting that either these agents do not interact directly with the junctional channels or that the corresponding gating regions are inactivated during the isolation and reconstitution procedures.
(20) "You could be in an open-world single-player environment where you can go up to a gate and when you enter that base, you're walking into a multiplayer map.