(n.) Any violation of law, either divine or human; an omission of a duty commanded, or the commission of an act forbidden by law.
(n.) Gross violation of human law, in distinction from a misdemeanor or trespass, or other slight offense. Hence, also, any aggravated offense against morality or the public welfare; any outrage or great wrong.
(n.) Any great wickedness or sin; iniquity.
(n.) That which occasion crime.
Example Sentences:
(1) They had allegedly agreed that Younous would not be charged with any crime upon his arrival there and that he would not be detained in Morocco for longer than 72 hours.
(2) There are widespread examples across the US of the police routinely neglecting crimes of sexual violence and refusing to believe victims.
(3) Even if it were not the case that police use a variety of tricks to keep recorded crime figures low, this data would still represent an almost meaningless measure of the extent of crime in society, for the simple reason that a huge proportion of crimes (of almost all sorts) have always gone unreported.
(4) Recent research conducted by independent investigators concerning the relationship between crime and narcotic (primarily heroin) addiction has revealed a remarkable degree of consistency of findings across studies.
(5) The District became a byword for crime and drug abuse, while its “mayor for life” lived high on the hog and lurched cheerfully from one scandal to the next.
(6) Certainly not ones with young children accused of non-violent crimes.
(7) For me, it would be to protect the young and vulnerable, to reduce crime, to improve health, to promote security and development, to provide good value for money and to protect.
(8) Hebrew for voice of justice, Kol Tzedek was described in publicity at the time as "an outreach program aimed at helping sex-crime victims in Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish Communities report abuse".
(9) "It is difficult to imagine the torment experienced by the vulnerable victims of crimes such as these.
(10) In response, detainees – the vast majority of them failed asylum seekers who have committed no crime – waved and shared messages of solidarity.
(11) Anyone who has committed war crimes should be brought into the courts," the BBC reported him as saying.
(12) Russia's most widely watched television station, state-controlled Channel One, followed a bulletin about his death with a summary of the crimes he is accused of committing, including the siphoning of millions of dollars from national airline Aeroflot.
(13) The report also recommends including justice and victim of violence targets in the national Closing the Gap strategy, recognising foetal alcohol spectrum disorders as a disability before the courts, and making a national commitment to a justice reinvestment approach to find community-based solutions to youth crime.
(14) When rates were covaried for prior violent crime arrests, White House Case subjects with prior arrests had a significantly higher rate of total posthospitalization violent crime arrests than the matched control sample.
(15) However, when public disquiet at the crime and social damage caused by alcohol prohibition led to its repeal, Anslinger saw his position as being in danger.
(16) But Turkey prefers to deal with the present rather than admit to past crimes.
(17) Mark Rasch, a cyber crime expert quoted by the FT, meanwhile said recent events have been “a serious and devastating attack to [Sony’s] reputation and image”, and his opinion is played out by a new YouGov poll into the public perception of Sony’s brand.
(18) Religious efforts to address the issue have also been complicit in absolving men of their crimes, objectifying women and doing more harm than good with campaigns that blame women for the phenomenon.
(19) Methamphetamine abuse is increasing and methamphetamine is second only to alcohol as a positive finding in cases submitted to the San Diego Sheriff's Crime Laboratory.
(20) If Navalny is guilty of breaching Russian law, there are law enforcement agencies that can and should prevent crime,” he says.
(n.) A brief writing of any kind, esp. a declaration, bill, certificate, request, supplication, etc.
(n.) Any defamatory writing; a lampoon; a satire.
(n.) A malicious publication expressed either in print or in writing, or by pictures, effigies, or other signs, tending to expose another to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule. Such publication is indictable at common law.
(n.) The crime of issuing a malicious defamatory publication.
(n.) A written declaration or statement by the plaintiff of his cause of action, and of the relief he seeks.
(v. t.) To defame, or expose to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule, by a writing, picture, sign, etc.; to lampoon.
(v. t.) To proceed against by filing a libel, particularly against a ship or goods.
(v. i.) To spread defamation, written or printed; -- with against.
Example Sentences:
(1) Brett added companies should have to prove some financial damage – or the potential of financial damage – before they are allowed to launch a libel case.
(2) First, there are major vested interests, such as large corporations, foreign billionaires and libel lawyers, who will attempt to scupper reform.
(3) "In recent years, though, the increased threat of costly libel actions has begun to have a chilling effect on scientific and academic debate and investigative journalism."
(4) Aside from the fact that it is intemperate and inaccurate, it is also libelous.
(5) And there are plenty who think that, as our libel laws are cleaned up, smart lawyers are switching horses to privacy.
(6) The case, which had been going on for four years, became a cause celebre, one of a number that were used to spearhead a campaign for change to the libel laws by campaigners for freedom of speech.
(7) He stressed that the sister-in-law and her husband were not only accused of circulating libellously untrue stories but also of harassment of the wealthy financier.
(8) Polonsky is hoping to sue Lebedev for libel and is seeking damages for defamation, his lawyer Andrew Stephenson has said.
(9) Thousands who have confronted the possibility of a libel action have self-censored or backed down.
(10) He added that London remained the "libel capital of the world – the place where the rich and dodgy flock to keep their reputations intact".
(11) Newspapers have been lobbying hard to stave off a Leveson law of any kind, arguing that the press is already subject to laws ranging from libel to data protection and computer misuse acts to guard against illegal activities.
(12) Instead, NMT sued Wilmshurst in London, which has become the libel capital of the world.
(13) Priority has been given to applying sticking-plasters to libel law when urgent surgery is needed to regulate a tabloid newspaper industry that has been shown to have no regard for privacy or the criminal law.
(14) But Miller, in continuing to urge publishers to be "recognised" by the charter did refer to the "incentives", meaning a protection from the payment of legal costs for libel claimants (even if unsuccessful) and the imposition of exemplary damages (which would be very doubtful anyway).
(15) The inquiry originally looked as if it would be confined to the issue of "libel tourism", but it seems officials believed it would not be possible to restrict the inquiry in this way.
(16) His charge sheet includes numerous assaults (one against a waiter who served him the wrong dish of artichokes); jail time for libelling a fellow painter, Giovanni Baglione, by posting poems around Rome accusing him of plagiarism and calling him Giovanni Coglione (“Johnny Bollocks”); affray (a police report records Caravaggio’s response when asked how he came by a wound: “I wounded myself with my own sword when I fell down these stairs.
(17) The former Conservative chief whip Andrew Mitchell was a Jekyll and Hyde character who employed a mixture of charm and menace, his libel trial against the Sun newspaper over the Plebgate affair heard.
(18) In a letter to Hodge on Tuesday, Duncan also claimed that Hodge, the MP for Barking, had made “undoubtedly libellous assertions” about the tax affairs of the bank’s chief executive Stuart Gulliver.
(19) The libel laws have been long been considered to restrict free speech.
(20) What about the chilling effects of libel tourism and a system that both adds cost to stories and stifles freedom of expression?