(v. t.) To cut into jags or points; to slash; as, to dag a garment.
(v. i.) To be misty; to drizzle.
Example Sentences:
(1) In general, optimal DAGAT activity in vitro was observed when long-chain unsaturated acyl-CoAs and diacylglycerols (DAGs) containing long acyl chains were used as substrates for in vitro TAG synthesis (although 1,2-didecanoin was also very effective).
(2) Incubation of microsomes with CDP-DAG of different fatty acid composition results in quantitative and qualitative differences in lysoPI formation.
(3) We now report that two synthetic diacylglycerols (DAG) replicate the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of TPA on frog skin.
(4) The distribution of PKC returned to control values by 24 h. High glucose did not stimulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis, as evidenced by the absence of an increase in the water-soluble inositol phosphates, indicating that DAG was not generated through the action of a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C. Cells treated with the cell-permeable DAG analogue 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl glycerol to activate PKC displayed approximately two-fold increases of fibronectin, laminin, and type IV collagen mRNA levels after normalization against actin.
(5) We observed a 30-45% increase in DAG in rat gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles, 5-15 min after intramuscular or intravenous injections of 1-3 U of insulin per rat, doses which would be expected to activate insulin receptors more fully.
(6) Concomitantly, an increase of inositol phosphates and diacylglycerol (DAG) production was observed.
(7) The accumulation of [14C]C20:4-DAG (lower in ET than in saline-infused rats) was paralleled by a decrease in phosphatidylinositol (PI) labelling, whereas phosphatidic acid showed a transient increase by 5 min in saline- but not in ET-infused rats.
(8) To determine the role of the DAG produced upon bombesin stimulation, we examined the effects of another activator of protein kinase C, the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA).
(9) It is concluded that carbachol increases [Ca2+]i by facilitating Ca2+ entry through L-type Ca2+ channels via a 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG)-protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent pathway while quisqualate mobilizes Ca2+ from inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-sensitive stores.
(10) In order to characterize the properties of the glyceroglycolipid membranes, ESR spectroscopic studies were carried out with an acyl spin-labeled galactosyl ceramide (SL-GC) or a headgroup spin-labeled phospholipid (SL-6-DPPA) in 1,2-dipalmitoyl[beta-cellobiosyl-(1'---3)]glycerol (Cel-DAG) liposomal membranes.
(11) The E. coli dgkA locus which contains the coding sequences for DAG kinase was subcloned into an eukaryotic expression vector, pMT2.
(12) The mean residence time for pharmacologically active molecules in the body was six times shorter for DAG (1.9 hr) than for DBD (11.4 hr).
(13) These data suggest that PKC is a mediator in the generation of DAG.
(14) These results suggest that DAG accumulation is involved in the potentiating effect of A23187 on CCh-stimulated amylase secretion.
(15) It is concluded that insulin-dependent PDH activation, PIG hydrolysis, and IG and DAG generation are mediated by the wild-type but not by the mutated insulin receptor of Val996.
(16) Since most alloantibodies detected only by 2SP-IAT or LISS-DAG were of doubtful clinical significance, and these techniques produced a high number of unwanted positive reactivities, we conclude that 2SP-IAT and LISS-DAG are not appropriate for the pretransfusion screening for unexpected antibodies.
(17) 261, 8597-8600), lipase from Rhizopus arrhizus selectively degraded the 1-acyl-containing species (DAG), but the ether lipid (EAG) was resistant and was identified and quantified after thin layer chromatography separation.
(18) 1-Oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol, a synthetic DAG analog, stimulated endothelial cell DNA synthesis in a concentration-dependent manner.
(19) Whereas DPG and DS are stable at physiological pH, DAG is unstable, undergoing hydrolysis (regeneration of DF) and rearrangement (intramolecular acyl migration to the 2-, 3- and 4-O-acyl-positional isomers).
(20) Addition of PRL to hepatocyte cultures significantly increased [3H]-glycerol incorporation into DAG within 5 minutes which was followed by a loss of cytosolic PKC activity by 10 minutes.
(v. t.) To scold or rail at; to rate; to tease; to torment; to banter.
(n.) A piece of cloth torn off; a tattered piece of cloth; a shred; a tatter; a fragment.
(n.) Hence, mean or tattered attire; worn-out dress.
(n.) A shabby, beggarly fellow; a ragamuffin.
(n.) A coarse kind of rock, somewhat cellular in texture.
(n.) A ragged edge.
(n.) A sail, or any piece of canvas.
(v. i.) To become tattered.
(v. t.) To break (ore) into lumps for sorting.
(v. t.) To cut or dress roughly, as a grindstone.
Example Sentences:
(1) Over the past 20 years the rag-and-bone trade has had a makeover.
(2) I usually use them as a rag with which to clean the toilet but I didn’t have anything else to wear today because I’m so fat.” While this exchange will sound baffling to outsiders, to Brits it actually sounds like this: “You like my dress?
(3) Confluent monolayers of capillary endothelial cells derived from Mongolian gerbil brain were irradiated with a single exposure of x-rays, and their radiosensitivity and sequential changes in morphology, staining intensity for factor VIII-related antigen (F VIII RAg), and capacity to produce prostacyclin (PGI2) were examined.
(4) Skeletal muscle mtDNA of three patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, characterized clinically by myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fiber (MERRF) syndrome, has been sequenced to determine the underlying molecular defect(s).
(5) A distinctive pattern of subsarcolemmal mitochondrial aggregates, referred to as "ragged red fibers" in human mitochondrial myopathies, was observed in muscle biopsy samples from 1 dog.
(6) Endothelial cells of capillary vessels showed positive binding by UEA-1 lectin and the presence of factor VIII RAG.
(7) Four of the mutants had no effect on chylous ascites, but two mutants linked with ragged, and one unlinked, showed a complex situation involving enhancement, inhibition, epistacy and other interactions.
(8) There was a slight shortening in the thrombin time and a smaller increase in post-operative FVIII RAg and FVIII RCof levels in the HES group.
(9) There was no correlation between FVIII:RAg levels and radiation pneumonitis, radiation dose, volume of irradiated lung, tumor burden, or time-interval between exposure and sampling.
(10) In one of these, a probe designed specifically to detect deleted mtDNA identified abundant deleted mtDNA and its fusion transcript in RRF and lesser accumulations in non-ragged red cytochrome oxidase (COX) deficient fibres.
(11) Only in fragments of the biceps brachii muscle histological and histochemical investigations showed mitochondrial changes of the type of "ragged-red fibres".
(12) In situ hybridization to intact thymus and RNA blot analysis of isolated thymic subpopulations separated on the basis of T cell receptor (TCR) expression demonstrated that both TCR- and TCR+ cortical thymocytes express RAG-1 and RAG-2 messenger RNA's.
(13) Nuclear run-on assays showed that TPA completely repressed the transcription of RAG-1 within 30 min.
(14) A former Socialist party leader, he is a jovial, wise-cracking believer in consensus politics, who aides say never loses his rag and who so hates fights that he was once nicknamed "the marshmallow" within his own party, or "Flanby", after a wobbly caramel pudding.
(15) The Farage adviser said he looked back on many people within Ukip as “a bunch of rag-tag, unprofessional, embarrassing people who let Nigel down at every juncture.” He told the Guardian: “Someone needs to go in there with a big stick.
(16) Furthermore, we show that RAG can be expressed not only by CD3-TCR negative but also by CD3-TCRab or gd positive T-ALL cells.
(17) After fusion of HPRT- RAG cells with E. lutescens fibroblasts we demonstrated that the enzymes HPRT and G6PD are localized on the presumptive X chromosome.
(18) We analyzed the mitochondrial DNA of blood cells of 5 patients from a Chinese family with myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fiber disease.
(19) A small percentage of peripheral B cells also contained RAG-1 mRNA, raising the possibility that this protein may also be involved in immunoglobulin class switching.
(20) Exposure of isolated thymocytes to 12-O-tetra-decanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA)+ionomycin rapidly abolishes the expression of recombination-activating gene-1 (RAG-1) mRNA (3 h), down-regulates CD4 surface antigen expression (3 h), and enhances apoptosis (24 h).