(infinitive.) It is done or agreed; let it be a match or bargain; -- used elliptically.
(a.) Given; executed; issued; made public; -- used chiefly in the clause giving the date of a proclamation or public act.
Example Sentences:
(1) It involves creativity, understanding of art form and the ability to improvise in the highly complex environment of a care setting.” David Cameron has boosted dementia awareness but more needs to be done Read more She warns: “To effect a cultural change in dementia care requires a change of thinking … this approach is complex and intricate, and can change cultural attitudes by regarding the arts as central to everyday life of the care home.” Another participant, Mary*, a former teacher who had been bedridden for a year, read plays with the reminiscence arts practitioner.
(2) Of course the job is not done and we will continue to remain vigilant to all risks, particularly when the global economic situation is so uncertain,” the chancellor said in a statement.
(3) Madrid now hopes that a growing clamour for future rescues of Europe's banks to be done directly, without money going via governments, may still allow it to avoid accepting loans that would add to an already fast-growing national debt.
(4) It is entirely proper for serving judges to set out the arguments in high-profile cases to help public understanding of the legal issues, as long as it is done in an even-handed way.
(5) "We do not think the Astra management have done a good job on behalf of shareholders.
(6) The present study was done in order to document the ability of the eighth cranial nerve of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) to regenerate, the anatomic characteristics of the regenerated fibers, and the specificity of projections from individual endorgan branches of the nerve.
(7) Was all the entanglement research done in the meantime, including Einstein's, unscientific metaphysics?
(8) A retrospective study was done in 86 patients on dialysis in order to evaluate the doses of aluminum hydroxide (OH3 Al) received to achieve a better serum phosphate control.
(9) "It has done so much to educate people about low emissions cars.
(10) Multiple operations were done in 7 patients prior to the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
(11) It is felt that otologic surgery should be done before the pinna reconstruction as it is very important to try and introduce sound into these children at an early age.
(12) Limitations include the facts that the tracer inventory requires a minimal survival period, can only be done postmortem, and has low resolution for cuts of the vagal hepatic branch.
(13) It can also solve a lot of problems – period.” However, Trump did not support making the officer-worn video cameras mandatory across the country, as the Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has done , noting “different police departments feel different ways”.
(14) They argue that the US, the world's largest producer of greenhouse gases per capita (China recently surpassed us in sheer volume), needs to lead the fight to limit carbon emissions, rather continuing to block global treaties as it has done in the past.
(15) If it works anyone can do this exactly as we have done.” The sudden release follows weeks of visual clues left on the Radiohead frontman’s Twitter and Tumblr.
(16) When very large series of strains are considered, the coding can be completely done and printed out by any computer through a very simple program.
(17) There is no deal done regarding Paul Pogba, lots of bla bla bla,” the Dutchman wrote on Twitter .
(18) This can be done only if the pathological biomechanics of this group of disorders is recognized.
(19) The prime minister’s spokeswoman said: “We think this can be done in line with EU and international law and it is important it is introduced and set up in the right way.
(20) If we’re waiting around for the Democratic version to sail through here, or the Republican version to sail through here, all those victims who are waiting for us to do something will wait for days, months, years, forever and we won’t get anything done.” Senator Bill Nelson, whose home state of Florida is still reeling from the Orlando shooting, said he felt morally obligated to return to his constituents with results.
(p. p.) of Draw
(p. p. & a.) See Draw, v. t. & i.
Example Sentences:
(1) Plasma concentrations of desmethyldiazepam (DMDZ) were determined in multiple samples drawn during 48 hr after each dose.
(2) Particular attention has been paid to diabetes mellitus and chronic pancreatitis, but a firm conclusion cannot be drawn.
(3) Attention is drawn to the desirability of differentiating between supra- and sub-gingival calculus in the CPITN scoring system and to the excessive treatment requirements that arise from classifying everyone with calculus as requiring prophylaxis and scaling.
(4) It had been drawn up following “an extensive consultation process” and schools were “reasonably not expecting any changes in the foreseeable future”.
(5) From the comparison of the sets of proteins labelled when A-site was free or occupied a conclusion was drawn that aminoacyl-tRNA located in ribosomal A-site affects the arrangement of deacylated tRNA in P-site.
(6) In this sense synapse formation must be considered a drawn out affair.
(7) Second, the commonly drawn analogy between blocking in randomized trials and matching in cohort studies is misleading when one considers the impact of matching on covariate distributions.
(8) The people who will lose are not the commercial interests, and people with particular vested interests, it’s the people who pay for us, people who love us, the 97% of people who use us each week, there are 46 million people who use us every day.” Hall refused to be drawn on what BBC services would be cut as a result of the funding deal which will result in at least a 10% real terms cut in the BBC’s funding.
(9) Indications of precautions to be taken are defined and suggestions are drawn up whereby residual laxity in extension may be limited.
(10) Buckingham Palace was drawn into the dispute when it was revealed that Pownall had sought advice from the Lord Chamberlain, a key officer in the royal household, on the potential misuse of the portcullis emblem due to it being the property of the Queen.
(11) Fluid overload, which could have been caused by the hyperosmolar properties of dextran, worsened progressively as fluids were drawn from the interstitial space and urine output was reduced.
(12) Pre and post infusion blood samples were drawn from a catheter lying at the lower inferior vena cava and analyzed for prostaglandin E and F, and progesterone.
(13) A parallel is drawn between these patterns of development and the patterns of distribution of afferent terminals or neurotransmitters.
(14) Following the last dose, plasma samples were drawn and analysed for indoprofen.
(15) No conclusions could be drawn on the relationship between the presence of HA or CPPD and collagen or hexosamine content.
(16) In an article for the Nation, Chomsky courts controversy by arguing that parallels drawn between campaigns against Israel and apartheid-era South Africa are misleading and that a misguided strategy could damage rather than help Israel's victims.
(17) The "Be Kind Rewind Protocol", as he calls it, involves setting up small studios with modest sets and facilities – props, back-projection footage, video cameras – so that groups of people can make their own amateur movies together according to anti-auteurist rules drawn up by Gondry.
(18) A comparison of these results with those in the literature allowed the following conclusions to be drawn: (a) the risk of death, as well as breast cancer mortality during the second decade, are similar for both conservatively and radically treated patients with Stage I and II breast cancer; (b) the risk of contralateral breast cancer is not greater than that observed following primary radical surgery without radiation therapy; (c) ipsilateral breast "recurrences" continue to occur at about 1% per year during the second decade.
(19) Previous statements that the density of goblet cells is increased in nasal allergy could not be confirmed quantitatively, but investigation of larger materials is called for before any conclusions may be drawn.
(20) Blood samples were drawn before and after declamping of the portal vein in a group of 11 transplants with EC-perfused livers, and a group of 12 transplants with UW-perfused livers.