What's the difference between fast and fat?



  • (v. i.) To abstain from food; to omit to take nourishment in whole or in part; to go hungry.
  • (v. i.) To practice abstinence as a religious exercise or duty; to abstain from food voluntarily for a time, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, or humiliation and penitence.
  • (v. i.) Abstinence from food; omission to take nourishment.
  • (v. i.) Voluntary abstinence from food, for a space of time, as a spiritual discipline, or as a token of religious humiliation.
  • (v. i.) A time of fasting, whether a day, week, or longer time; a period of abstinence from food or certain kinds of food; as, an annual fast.
  • (v.) Firmly fixed; closely adhering; made firm; not loose, unstable, or easily moved; immovable; as, to make fast the door.
  • (v.) Firm against attack; fortified by nature or art; impregnable; strong.
  • (v.) Firm in adherence; steadfast; not easily separated or alienated; faithful; as, a fast friend.
  • (v.) Permanent; not liable to fade by exposure to air or by washing; durable; lasting; as, fast colors.
  • (v.) Tenacious; retentive.
  • (v.) Not easily disturbed or broken; deep; sound.
  • (v.) Moving rapidly; quick in mition; rapid; swift; as, a fast horse.
  • (v.) Given to pleasure seeking; disregardful of restraint; reckless; wild; dissipated; dissolute; as, a fast man; a fast liver.
  • (a.) In a fast, fixed, or firmly established manner; fixedly; firmly; immovably.
  • (a.) In a fast or rapid manner; quickly; swiftly; extravagantly; wildly; as, to run fast; to live fast.
  • (n.) That which fastens or holds; especially, (Naut.) a mooring rope, hawser, or chain; -- called, according to its position, a bow, head, quarter, breast, or stern fast; also, a post on a pier around which hawsers are passed in mooring.
  • (n.) The shaft of a column, or trunk of pilaster.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Comparison of the S100 alpha-binding protein profiles in fast- and slow-twitch fibers of various species revealed few, if any, species- or fiber type-specific S100 binding proteins.
  • (2) A leg ulcer in a 52-year-old renal transplant patient yielded foamy histiocytes containing acid-fast bacilli subsequently identified as a Runyon group III Mycobacterium.
  • (3) Madrid now hopes that a growing clamour for future rescues of Europe's banks to be done directly, without money going via governments, may still allow it to avoid accepting loans that would add to an already fast-growing national debt.
  • (4) Diphenoxylate-induced hypoxia was the major problem and was associated with slow or fast respirations, hypotonia or rigidity, cardiac arrest, and in 3 cases cerebral edema and death.
  • (5) Two hours after refeeding rats fasted for 48 h, ODC activity increased 40-fold in mucosa from the intact jejunum and 4-fold in the mucosa of the bypassed segments.
  • (6) Five of them had a fast-moving Eco RI fragment 5.6 kb long that hybridized with zeta-specific probe but not with alpha-specific probe.
  • (7) A previous study, on grade IV astrocytomas, compared a combination of photons and fast neutron boost to photons only, both treatments being delivered following a concentrated irradiation schedule.
  • (8) J., 4 (1985) 1709-1714) and fast pH changes were applied with a technique developed by Davies et al.
  • (9) Glucose metabolic rates during control and reperfusion were unchanged for hearts from fasted rats, but decreased for hearts from fed rats during reperfusion.
  • (10) Brewdog backs down over Lone Wolf pub trademark dispute Read more The fast-growing Scottish brewer, which has burnished its underdog credentials with vocal criticism of how major brewers operate , recently launched a vodka brand called Lone Wolf.
  • (11) Despite the nearly anaerobic state of the ascites tumor fluid in vivo, cancer cells suspended in this fluid oxidized FFA at least as fast as they do in vitro under aerobic conditions.
  • (12) Inhibition of fast axonal transport by an antibody specific for kinesin provides direct evidence that kinesin is involved in the translocation of membrane-bounded organelles in axons.
  • (13) A quantitative index of duodenogastric reflux was obtained in each case by determining the percentage of the injected dose of 99mTechnetium-DISIDA that was recovered by continuous aspiration of gastric juice in fasting subjects.
  • (14) Variations in light chain composition, particularly fast and slow myosin light chain 1, appeared to occur independently of the variations in heavy chain composition, suggesting that some myosin molecules consist of mixtures of slow- and fast-type subunits.
  • (15) These analyses were carried out on unfractionated culture fluids and on fractions obtained by fast protein liquid chromatography separation using Superose 6 gels.
  • (16) A more accurate fit of T1 data using a modified Lipari and Szabo approach indicates that internal fast motions dominate the T1 relaxation in glycogen.
  • (17) Normal rat soleus myosin has a major slow and a minor fast component due to two populations of muscle fibers.
  • (18) The effects of insulin on the renal handling of sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphate were studied in man while maintaining the blood glucose concentration at the fasting level by negative feedback servocontrol of a variable glucose infusion.
  • (19) Plasma and red cell sorbitol concentrations, fasting plasma glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (GHb) were evaluated in 30 diabetic patients and 42 normal subjects.
  • (20) Acid-fast bacilli were isolated from 3 out of 41 mice inoculoted with heat killed bacilli.



  • (n.) A large tub, cistern, or vessel; a vat.
  • (n.) A measure of quantity, differing for different commodities.
  • (superl.) Abounding with fat
  • (superl.) Fleshy; characterized by fatness; plump; corpulent; not lean; as, a fat man; a fat ox.
  • (superl.) Oily; greasy; unctuous; rich; -- said of food.
  • (superl.) Exhibiting the qualities of a fat animal; coarse; heavy; gross; dull; stupid.
  • (superl.) Fertile; productive; as, a fat soil; a fat pasture.
  • (superl.) Rich; producing a large income; desirable; as, a fat benefice; a fat office; a fat job.
  • (superl.) Abounding in riches; affluent; fortunate.
  • (superl.) Of a character which enables the compositor to make large wages; -- said of matter containing blank, cuts, or many leads, etc.; as, a fat take; a fat page.
  • (n.) An oily liquid or greasy substance making up the main bulk of the adipose tissue of animals, and widely distributed in the seeds of plants. See Adipose tissue, under Adipose.
  • (n.) The best or richest productions; the best part; as, to live on the fat of the land.
  • (n.) Work. containing much blank, or its equivalent, and, therefore, profitable to the compositor.
  • (a.) To make fat; to fatten; to make plump and fleshy with abundant food; as, to fat fowls or sheep.
  • (v. i.) To grow fat, plump, and fleshy.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This effect was more marked in breast cancer patients which may explain our earlier finding that women with upper body fat localization are at increased risk for developing breast cancer.
  • (2) After a period on fat-rich diet the patient's physical fitness was increased and the recovery period after the acute load was shorter.
  • (3) In the clinical trials in which there was complete substitution of fat-modified ruminant foods for conventional ruminant products the fall in serum cholesterol was approximately 10%.
  • (4) To estimate the age of onset of these differences, and to assess their relationship to abdominal and gluteal adipocyte size, we measured adiposity, adipocyte size, and glucose and insulin concentrations during a glucose tolerance test in lean (less than 20% body fat), prepubertal children from each race.
  • (5) High radioactivities were observed in the digestive organs, mesenteric lymphnodes, liver, pancreas, urinary bladder, fat tissue, kidney and spleen after oral administration to rats.
  • (6) There were few significant differences between high polyunsaturated (safflower oil) and saturated fat (lard) diet groups.
  • (7) Protein composition was determined in mesenteric lymph chylomicrons from fat-fed rats.
  • (8) The relationship of weight history with current fat distribution was also explored.
  • (9) The heterogeneity of obesity may be demonstrated by the shape of fat distribution and the prolactin response to insulin hypoglycaemia.
  • (10) Dietary factors affect intestinal P450s markedly--iron restriction rapidly decreased intestinal P450 to beneath detectable values; selenium deficiency acted similarly but was less effective; Brussels sprouts increased intestinal AHH activity 9.8-fold, ECOD activity 3.2-fold, and P450 1.9-fold; fried meat and dietary fat significantly increased intestinal EROD activity; a vitamin A-deficient diet increased, and a vitamin A-rich diet decreased intestinal P450 activities; and excess cholesterol in the diet increased intestinal P450 activity.
  • (11) I usually use them as a rag with which to clean the toilet but I didn’t have anything else to wear today because I’m so fat.” While this exchange will sound baffling to outsiders, to Brits it actually sounds like this: “You like my dress?
  • (12) Assuming 1 kg LBM to contain 52.1 mmol potassium, the mean LBM was 3028 g in the I-NSM and 2739 in the I-SM; mean fat mass was similar in both groups.
  • (13) Cholestyramine resin was beneficial in reducing stool bulk but had no substantial effect on fat absorption.
  • (14) This study examined the association between diet composition, particularly dietary fat intake, and body-fat percentage in 205 adult females.
  • (15) With both approaches, carbohydrate and fat had little influence whereas egg albumin had a significant inhibitory effect on the absorption of nonheme iron.
  • (16) Computed Tomography was used to demonstrate the increased retro-orbital fat.
  • (17) The results obtained on fat cell membranes from abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue demonstrated the following.
  • (18) The latter appears to reflect methodological problems since both fat-free determinations depend upon TBW rather than somatic proteins.
  • (19) There were no relationships between blood pressure and calorie-adjusted intakes of fats, carbohydrates, sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium.
  • (20) As with alloplastic orbital implant extrusions in enucleated sockets, autogeneous dermis fat grafts can be useful in managing extrusions in previously eviscerated sockets.

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