(1) The data were grouped to determine differences between the experimental and the newly revised formats of the GRE-A measure, in addition to any differences among programs.
(2) However, a purified recombinant fragment of the GR which contained essentially only its DNA binding domain was unable to bind at the GME although it interacted strongly with a consensus GRE sequence.
(3) Although GRE images rapidly demonstrated flow in vascular intracranial lesions as high intensity, the vascular nature of these lesions was also clearly evident on SE images in most cases.
(4) We have used cloned rat glucocorticoid-receptor coding sequences to produce and characterize a novel class of receptor mutants that elicit GRE enhancer function in transfected cells even in the absence of hormone.
(5) The MR appearance of thrombosis of the portal vein and its branches using gradient echo (GRE) sequences is described.
(6) Assuming that function as a GRE reflects binding of glucocorticoid receptor, our activity data are consistent with the recognition of the GRE as two hexamer half-sites, each half-site recognized by a single subunit of a receptor dimer, probably in a cooperative fashion.
(7) The sequence recognition by the glucocorticoid receptor at the different defined glucocorticoid regulatory elements (GRE) is discussed and a consensus sequence formulated.
(8) We found that the promoter is extremely G + C rich (72% GC content) and contains a "TAATA" and a "CAT" box, eight "GGGCGG", three "CCGCCC" and two "CACCC" motifs and a motif similar to the glucocorticoid responsive element (GRE) which included two interchanged nucleotides "TCTTGT".
(9) Gel retardation analysis demonstrates that bacterially expressed c-Jun disrupts GR-GRE complexes.
(10) These results demonstrate the importance of GRE consensus sequences in glucocorticoid receptor interactions with DNA, and further identify a cause for high background binding observed when pBR322 DNA is used as a negative control in studies of glucocorticoid receptor-DNA interactions.
(11) Given the "time of flight" effect of GRE sequences, a scan plane perpendicular to the direction of flow was used to obtain maximal signal enhancement of flowing blood.
(12) All pRagCAT constructs in which the 5'-region contained at least one of the two GRE consensus sequences were stimulated by dexamethasone.
(13) Oversaturation (2.0 mumol Fe for SE sequences, greater than or equal to 1.0 mumol Fe for GRE sequences) led to image distortion and did not allow assessment of lymph node morphology.
(14) To accommodate the observed biphasic dose-response curve for highly specific glucocorticoids, and the shift-to-the-left for both classes of effector, we have proposed a model of a single "turn-on" nuclear acceptor site for glucocorticoid receptors (glucocorticoid regulatory element: GRE) and multiple, pre-emptive "turn-off" GREs, occupancy of any one of which will abrogate transcription; for progestins, we propose that all the GRE are alternate "turn-off" sites.
(15) A moderately repetitive DNA sequence, containing a TATA box, a GRE consensus, a Z-DNA forming sequence and two imperfect direct repeats at the extremities, is present a few nucleotides 5' of the human PAI-1 gene transcription start site, raising the possibility that this gene could have been activated by DNA insertion during evolution.
(16) In vitro transcription experiments using a Xenopus laevis cell-free extract have demonstrated that a DNA fragment containing a glucocorticoid response element (GRE) significantly enhances the expression of a methionine tRNA gene.
(17) R1881-activated transcription of a GRE-tk-CAT reporter gene construct was strongly diminished by both mutant receptors and was only partially restored using a 100-fold higher concentration of ligand compared with wild-type receptor.
(18) New cine GRE imaging techniques provide a noninvasive means for quantification of valvular as well as ventricular function.
(19) To investigate the detection of vascular extension of tumor with the GRE technique, findings in the preoperative GRE MR images of 26 patients with renal adenocarcinoma were compared with findings at surgery and pathologic examination.
(20) Our results demonstrate that in-plane GRE imaging and MR angiography can potentially be used as noninvasive methods for evaluating vascular patency in the presence of MR-compatible endovascular devices.
(n.) Anger; wrath.
Example Sentences:
(1) An insulin response element (IRE) has been identified in the prolactin gene using chimeric plasmids in which prolactin promoter DNA directs expression of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene.
(2) The lability of the Fe-S cluster in mitochondrial aconitase has led us to propose that the mechanism by which iron levels are sensed by the IRE-BP involves changes in an Fe-S cluster in the IRE-BP.
(3) Government officials drew the public’s ire after charging Manning with three counts of misconduct following the suicide attempt, including two which carried possible penalties of indefinite solitary confinement.
(4) In a prospective, blinded trial, 40 healthy adult subjects using six IRED thermometers with two techniques were examined in random sequence.
(5) On Wednesday, the ire of the marchers was focused on all those Lib Dems who blithely signed the NUS's anti-fees pledge ("I pledge to vote against any increase in fees in the next parliament and to pressure the government to introduce a fairer alternative" – yesterday, Nick Clegg limply said that he "should have been more careful" than to put his name to it).
(6) Oleg Sentsov should make new films, not count years in prison.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Oleg Sentsov sings the Ukrainian national anthem as he is sentenced to 20 years in a Russian penal colony Sentsov attracted the ire of the Russian authorities after helping to organise a campaign protesting at Russia’s occupation and annexation of Crimea in March 2014.
(7) A deletion and reconstitution study was undertaken to address the possibility that regions of the ferritin gene and mRNA other than the IRE may be necessary for the production of the full range of iron regulation.
(8) Her predecessor, Nick Robinson, attracted similar ire by upsetting Scottish nationalists .
(9) Interestingly, the FRP which remains active at a given hemin concentration binds to the IRE with the same high affinity as untreated FRP.
(10) The results strongly suggest that HCV RNA carries an internal ribosome entry site (IRES).
(11) Among the 17 pancreatic cancer patients with elevated IRE, 10 underwent radical resection of the cancer but in none of the five patients with normal serum IRE could radical resection be carried out.
(12) In addition, a poor sequence context around AUG-11 results in increased initiation at one or more downstream AUG codons, indicative of leaky scanning or jumping by the ribosome from AUG-11 mediated by the EMCV IRES.
(13) Amino acid alignments reveal that the IRE-BP is 30% identical to mitochondrial aconitase.
(14) Regulation in both instances is mediated by binding of a cytosolic protein to the IREs.
(15) Binding of the IRE-BP represses ferritin translation and represses degradation of the TfR mRNA.
(16) Yet in doing so it presents an angled mirror-polished cliff face of glass, which has been reflecting the sun straight across into the Lloyds offices across the road – the seminal "inside-out" machine that Rogers designed 30 years earlier – much to the ire of its tenants.
(17) The nations with the highest recorded levels include Colombia, Uganda, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, with the south Asian countries in particular producing unforgettable images of disfigured women who have been assaulted with acid because they have rejected sexual advances or marriage proposals, or aroused jealousy, or in some way or other inconvenienced the patriarchy and aroused its ire.
(18) Artificial mono- and dicistronic mRNAs were prepared and used to identify the region that carried the IRES.
(19) Two melanotic human melanoma cell lines, IRE 1 and IRE 2, and the lymphoma- and leukaemia-derived cell lines Raji and K 562, were exposed to different concentrations (from 5 X 10(-3) M to 10(-5) M) of phenols, both substrates (s) and non-substrates (ns) of tyrosinase, in the presence or absence of the oxygen-radical-scavenger enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase.
(20) Afterwards, she was "suddenly beautiful", and though the attention this brought was occasionally useful, mostly it was just a pain in the butt: the tiresome suggestions that she had only got on thanks to her appearance; the hurtful ire of that other great feminist, Betty Friedan, whose loathing of Steinem seemed mostly to be motivated by envy.