What's the difference between malicious and viperous?



  • (a.) Indulging or exercising malice; harboring ill will or enmity.
  • (a.) Proceeding from hatred or ill will; dictated by malice; as, a malicious report; malicious mischief.
  • (a.) With wicked or mischievous intentions or motives; wrongful and done intentionally without just cause or excuse; as, a malicious act.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Already in 2014, Proofpoint found a 650% increase in social media spam compared to 2013, and 99% of malicious URLs in inappropriate content led to malware installation or credential phishing sites,” explains the company.
  • (2) Rather, it is those who use OSINT as a starting point for more malicious means.
  • (3) Those who say otherwise, he said, “have malicious intentions to damage the Chinese government in the name of birth control.” Family planning policy would be relaxed further over time, but the government had no timetable in mind.
  • (4) It's worth remembering that as the US and UK run around the world protesting the hacking activities of others and warning of the dangers of cyber-attacks , that duo is one of the most aggressive and malicious, if not the most aggressive and malicious, perpetrators of those attacks of anyone on the planet.
  • (5) The force said: “Leicestershire police is investigating a report of malicious communication being sent via social media.
  • (6) In response, the EU commission’s vice president, Frans Timmersmans, condemned Orban’s questionnaire as “malicious and wrong”.
  • (7) Anyone who opened the file risked being infected, as many anti-virus systems were not able to detect the malicious software, the researchers said.
  • (8) Prosecutions under the Malicious Communications Act have resulted in convictions, as in the case involving death threats tweeted at Caroline Criado-Perez .
  • (9) Instead of dropping banners, as Brotherston’s ISP did, it injects malicious JavaScript.
  • (10) And of course, if the software that infects your machine is malicious, there's the serious risk of identity theft.
  • (11) China bans major shareholders from selling their stakes for next six months Read more Police and regulators are investigating evidence of potential “malicious” short selling of Chinese shares, state news agency Xinhua reported.
  • (12) The Conservatives won their malicious campaign against Labour in the general election, ruthlessly demonising Ed Miliband and fanning anti-Scottish resentment.
  • (13) Justice Department representatives told one congressional aide that Swartz' Guerilla Open Access Manifesto was being used to establish "malicious intent" to illegally download large amounts of documents.
  • (14) "I took out nasty passages about people I admire – like Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot, Deborah Orr and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown … but in a few instances, I edited the entries of people I had clashed with in ways that were juvenile or malicious: I called one of them antisemitic and homophobic, and the other a drunk."
  • (15) Frances Knox, 44, from Hertfordshire, has resolved to change her passwords every month after she had her Skype account maliciously taken over by fraudsters on 21 December.
  • (16) Any suggestion of impropriety is malicious and defamatory and will be treated as such,” said a spokesman.
  • (17) The 'Sorry' campaign's suggestion that the Standard and its journalists lost touch with London is a malicious invention.
  • (18) We have identified this as a new and growing threat in the UK and you just have to look at the figures – in fact 51% of the malicious software threats that have ever been identified were in 2009."
  • (19) We are left to conclude that the purpose is a malicious one.
  • (20) The UK's biggest retailer began legal proceedings against the paper and its editor, Alan Rusbridger, for libel and malicious falsehood.



  • (a.) Having the qualities of a viper; malignant; venomous; as, a viperous tongue.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The potential use of ancrod, a purified isolate from the venom of the Malaysian pit viper, Agkistrodon rhodostoma, in decreasing the frequency of cyclic flow variations in severely stenosed canine coronary arteries and causing thrombolysis of an acute coronary thrombus induced by a copper coil was evaluated.
  • (2) Phospholipase A2 has been purified from the venom of Horned viper (Cerastes cerastes) by gel permeation chromatography followed by reverse-phase HPLC.
  • (3) Adrenal gland is studied histologically in the common krait, the cobra and the viper.
  • (4) The protease from Russell's viper venom that activates Factor V was purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150 and ion exchange column chromatography on sulfopropyl (SP)-Sephadex C-50.
  • (5) An analogy between pit viper envenomization and Adriamycin infiltration is discussed.
  • (6) Merogony took place in the pulmonary endothelial cells and in the parenchyma cells of the liver and spleen of the infected vipers.
  • (7) Viper #149 was inoculated orally by stomach tube with 5.0 X 10(4) sporulated oocysts of C. simplex obtained from the feces of an Ottoman viper, V. x. xanthina and began passing unsporulated oocysts of C. simplex 121 days post-inoculation (DPI).
  • (8) Haffkine antivenom thus has limited efficacy against systemic poisoning by Russell's viper in Sri Lanka.
  • (9) Both factor Va, activated by thrombin or by the factor V activator from Russell's viper venom, and the isolated fragments, D (Mr = 105,000), C1 (Mr = 150,000), and F1F2 (Mr = 72,000), were studied.
  • (10) Its infamous clubs – The Viper Room, Whisky A Go Go – are the backdrops for a thousand rock memoirs; its vertiginous hills contain more celebrity homes per square mile than anywhere else in the world.
  • (11) PT), kaolin clotting time (KCT), contact product clotting time (CPCT), and Russell viper venom clotting time (RVVCT) tests.
  • (12) Plasma from these animals, when injected into 10 recipients, specifically raised Factor X levels when measured by four different assay: one-stage assay with bovine VII- and X-deficient plasma and Russell's viper venom; one-stage assay with human X-deficient plasma and thromboplastin; chromogenic substrate assay with Russell's viper venom; and an immunologic assay (Laurell technique).
  • (13) In our study of 60 consecutive patients, we found the frequency of the lupus anticoagulant by Russell viper venom time was 6.7% (95% confidence interval, 16.2 to 1.8) and by anticardiolipin antibody assay was 25% (95% Cl, 37.0 to 15.7), compared with 0% (p = not significant) and 2.5% (p = 0.002), respectively, in the normal control population.
  • (14) Comparison of the alpha-chains with those of the Viper (Vipera aspis) shows 66 amino-acid substitutions.
  • (15) Sumatran pit viper (Trimeresurus sumatranus sumatranus) venom was fractionated by DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange chromatography into seven fractions.
  • (16) The contribution of disseminated fibrin clot formation to the pathogenesis of canine endotoxin shock was explored in control dogs and in those defibrinated with a purified fraction of Malayan pit viper venom.
  • (17) Evolutionary conservation of members of the NGF family in vertebrates was studied by DNA sequence analysis of PCR fragments for NGF, BDNF, and NT-3 from human, rat, chicken, viper, Xenopus, salmon, and ray.
  • (18) Four other phospholipases A2--from venoms of Russell viper, Crotalus adamanteus, and bee, and from pig pancreas--are unaffected by 50 micrometer indomethacin, which inhibits leukocyte phospholipase A2 by 70%.
  • (19) Kinetic studies showed that activation of factor IX KWC by factor X activator from Russell's viper venom (RVV-X) was normal, whereas activation by factor XIa was defective.
  • (20) We determined the complete amino acid sequence of RVV-X, the blood coagulation factor X activating enzyme, isolated from Russell's viper venom and studied structure-function relationships.

Words possibly related to "viperous"