

  • (n.sing. & pl.) That which is produced; a child or children; a descendant or descendants, however remote from the stock.
  • (n.sing. & pl.) The act of production; generation.
  • (n.sing. & pl.) Origin; lineage; family.

Compare offspring with other words:

offshoot vs. offspring

heir vs. offspring

jumart vs. offspring

offspring vs. syndyasmian

homogenesis vs. offspring

offspring vs. thelytokous

offspring vs. scion

dependent vs. offspring

mobile vs. offspring

bunkum vs. offspring

fox vs. offspring

oak vs. offspring

example vs. offspring

offspring vs. wolf

brother vs. offspring

offspring vs. uniparous

offspring vs. venter

offspring vs. progeniture

cerberus vs. offspring

griffe vs. offspring

offspring vs. polytocous

malformation vs. offspring

offspring vs. proliferous

monogenic vs. offspring

firstling vs. offspring

offspring vs. yeanling

offspring vs. prepotency

offspring vs. xenogenesis

biparous vs. offspring

fertilize vs. offspring

offspring vs. soapy

literal vs. offspring

equal vs. offspring

marabou vs. offspring

inheritance vs. offspring

eugenic vs. offspring

offspring vs. procreation

offspring vs. reproduce

multiparous vs. offspring

offspring vs. philoprogenitive

fecund vs. offspring

modification vs. offspring

foster vs. offspring

offspring vs. pregnant

offspring vs. procreate

offspring vs. unborn

hybridization vs. offspring

offspring vs. wean

offspring vs. posterity

offspring vs. prolific

litter vs. offspring

offspring vs. whelp

fecundity vs. offspring

offspring vs. spawn

imp vs. offspring

forefather vs. offspring

forbear vs. offspring

forebear vs. offspring

ancestor vs. offspring

father vs. offspring

mother vs. offspring

offspring vs. progenitor

lineage vs. offspring

genitor vs. offspring

get vs. offspring

issue vs. offspring

baby vs. offspring

offspring vs. process

offspring vs. young

offspring vs. produce

descendant vs. offspring

children vs. offspring

daughter vs. offspring

hinny vs. offspring

mule vs. offspring

brood vs. offspring

mate vs. offspring

generation vs. offspring

foal vs. offspring

breed vs. offspring

maiden vs. offspring

kind vs. offspring

offspring vs. son

child vs. offspring

offspring vs. parent

offspring vs. progeny

offspring vs. telugu

offspring vs. spring

elephant vs. offspring