(n.) Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use.
(n.) One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building or ship.
(n.) The width of a vessel; as, one vessel is said to have more beam than another.
(n.) The bar of a balance, from the ends of which the scales are suspended.
(n.) The principal stem or horn of a stag or other deer, which bears the antlers, or branches.
(n.) The pole of a carriage.
(n.) A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which weavers wind the warp before weaving; also, the cylinder on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven; one being called the fore beam, the other the back beam.
(n.) The straight part or shank of an anchor.
(n.) The main part of a plow, to which the handles and colter are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen or horses that draw it.
(n.) A heavy iron lever having an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft; -- called also working beam or walking beam.
(n.) A ray or collection of parallel rays emitted from the sun or other luminous body; as, a beam of light, or of heat.
(n.) Fig.: A ray; a gleam; as, a beam of comfort.
(n.) One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk; -- called also beam feather.
(v. t.) To send forth; to emit; -- followed ordinarily by forth; as, to beam forth light.
(v. i.) To emit beams of light.
Example Sentences:
(1) An argon laser beam was used to irradiate the round window in 17 guinea pigs.
(2) Streaming is shown to occur in water in the focused beams produced by a number of medical pulse-echo devices.
(3) 11 patients with a postoperative classification of stage D had additional external beam radiation to the pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes with shielding of the implanted prostatic region.
(4) The data collection scheme for the scanner uses multiple rotations of a linearly shifted, asymmetric fan beam permitting user-defined variable resolution.
(5) The scatter measurement was made using a standard imaging geometry with both beam stops and an additional x-ray detector placed behind the standard imaging detector.
(6) In an effort to decrease the treatment time for this technique, the flattening filter has been removed from an AECL Therac-6 linear accelerator and the characteristics of the resulting beam have been measured.
(7) Comparative clinical studies on temporomandibular joints (TMJ) between the LEGP and fan beam collimators also confirm the superior image quality obtained with the fan beam collimator.
(8) The special advantage of the UV-beam is that it allow to inactivate selectively of the particular elements of nuclear apparatus of living ciliates is to observe consequences of operation on distant descendants of irradiated cell.
(9) Three-five days after endoscopic laser destruction long-distance open-field gamma-beam therapy was administered to 10 patients and polychemotherapy to 9 of these.
(10) Guidelines for external beam treatment have been set forth in the ASTRO Newsletter.
(11) In work to determine whether X-radiation could be used to induce tumors of the colon in outbred Holtzman rats, a technique was devised so that only the descending colon could be irradiated with a collimated X-ray beam and tumorigenic exposures in the kilo-Roentgen range were delivered.
(12) Nevertheless some technical variations are required, to maintain the typical homogeneity of photon beams.
(13) The RBEs of fast neutron, thermal neutron beams, and neutron capture therapy relative to 60Co gamma-ray were calculated as 2.78, 4.18, and 6.15 at 0.1 surviving fraction, respectively.
(14) Some patients received postoperative external beam irradiation (2000 cGy whole pelvis and an additional 3000 cGy to the parametria, with a midline stepwedge) when deep myometrial invasion was present.
(15) Between 1981 and 1985, 20 patients with malignancy-associated ureteral obstruction (MAUO) were given external beam irradiation with a palliative intent.
(16) Finally, the question of oncogenic effects raised with 193 nm laser beams does not seem to apply to the 308 nm wavelength.
(17) Hence the laser beam acts as a fixation target and measuring beam.
(18) Electron beam therapy is usually employed for the treatment of tumours located at or near the surface of the body, because the electron beam gives a high dose near the surface, but falls off rapidly with increasing depth beyond the level of the 80% depth dose.
(19) By embedding the biopsy in the acrylic resin LR White, unsupported sections of which are stable in the electron beam, light and electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry become feasible on sections from the same block.
(20) Real 60Co beams contain lower energy components; in addition, Awall is defined differently by different authors.
(a.) Looking obliquely. Specifically (Med.), not having the optic axes coincident; -- said of the eyes. See Squint, n., 2.
(n.) Fig.: Looking askance.
(v. i.) To see or look obliquely, asquint, or awry, or with a furtive glance.
(v. i.) To have the axes of the eyes not coincident; -- to be cross-eyed.
(v. i.) To deviate from a true line; to run obliquely.
(v. t.) To turn to an oblique position; to direct obliquely; as, to squint an eye.
(v. t.) To cause to look with noncoincident optic axes.
(n.) The act or habit of squinting.
(n.) A want of coincidence of the axes of the eyes; strabismus.
(n.) Same as Hagioscope.
Example Sentences:
(1) Squint was the most common diagnosis with the prevalence being 18.4 per thousand for the children in social classes I to III and 15.9 for the total series.
(2) Indeed this procedure is the only one which can act in a fitted manner on muscular spasms responsible of more than 60% of convergent squints.
(3) In this group refractive error, nasolacrimal duct block, and primary squint were most common, while in the non-heritable group various types of conjunctivitis, trauma, foreign bodies, blepharitis and nutritional diseases were most prevalent.
(4) The presence of +2.00 or more D of spherical hypermetropia in both eyes, or +1.00 or more D sphere or cylinder of anisometropia was significantly associated (P=0.0779%) with that child being identified 2+ years later as having either squint or amblyopia or both.
(5) The present squint angle was the only major parameter relevant for the preservation of PS and MS.
(6) Both the AO and the Siamese cats exhibited a convergent squint.
(7) All the cases of squint and amblyopia referred to both hospital and school clinics in one district during one calendar year have been reviewed in order to clarify when, where, and how these cases first present to the ophthalmologist.
(8) Clinical signs in mice were squinting and distended testes in males, and in rats, rapid respiration (all doses), squinting, and hunching.
(9) The most frequent indications are: Increased objective squint angle during near fixation, incomitant binocular movements in the horizontal plane, unstabile objective angles, nystagmus compensation (block-) syndrome, variation of Kestenbaum's nystagmusoperation.
(10) The most important squints to diagnose are the concomitant squints of childhood as they can lead to amblyopia, which is irreversible after the age of ten years.
(11) In all patients was found a very marked impairment of visual acuity or even blindness of the affected eye with most frequently squint and nystagmus.
(12) On the basis of our investigation we could not prove the process of emmetropisation during the growth of the eyes of squinting children in this age group.
(13) Anterior segment circulation was assessed in 35 adults one day after squint surgery by clinical observation and low-dose fluorescein iris angiography.
(14) There was no influence upon the angle of squint and the correspondence.
(15) In divergent squint, the fovea competes with the much weaker nasal hemifield.
(16) The authors study 202 strabismus cases and evaluate the strabismic epidemiology of Tunisia: 58% of squint children have amblyopia.
(17) The shortened test shows the reduction in contrast sensitivity as well as the original LDT in squint amblyopia multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis and cerebral tumours.
(18) Besides the odontogenic keratocysts, the Case 1 patient had basal cell nevus, prominent frontal process, and ocular hypertelorism; the Case 2 patient had prominent frontal process; the Case 3 patient had prominent frontal process, ocular hypertelorism, and squint.
(19) Leukokoria and squint were the most frequent first signs of the tumor.
(20) The results of a prospective study of 66 cases of squint among black Zaïrian people are presented.