What's the difference between latter and matter?



  • (a.) Later; more recent; coming or happening after something else; -- opposed to former; as, the former and latter rain.
  • (a.) Of two things, the one mentioned second.
  • (a.) Recent; modern.
  • (a.) Last; latest; final.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Together these results suggest that IVC may operate as a selective activator of calpain both in the cytosol and at the membrane level; in the latter case in synergism with the activation induced by association of the proteinase to the cell membrane.
  • (2) Along the spectrum of loyalties lie multiple loyalties and ambiguous loyalties, and the latter, if unresolved, create moral ambiguities.
  • (3) The latter result indicates that the dexamethasone block is upstream from release of esterified arachidonic acid.
  • (4) Comparison of developmental series of D. merriami and T. bottae revealed that the decline of the artery in the latter species is preceded by a greater degree of arterial coarctation, or narrowing, as it passes though the developing stapes.
  • (5) Uptake could be supported either by substrate oxidation or by adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), and was inhibited in the former case by antimycin or cyanide, in the latter case by oligomycin, and in both cases by 2,4-dinitrophenol.
  • (6) This suggests that the latter group does not possess the genetic equipment (Ir genes) to recognize the antigenic determinants and to synthesize the corresponding antibodies.
  • (7) If the latter is not readily correctable or if the patient is bleeding actively, anticoagulation with intermittent administration of heparin by the intravenous route is indicated.
  • (8) Only IgG2a and IgG2b myeloma proteins bound readily to IC-21 Fc-receptors, the former in nonaggregated as well as aggregated form, the latter only as aggregated complexes.
  • (9) An efficient numerical algorithm based on the cyclic coordinate search method to solve the latter is explained.
  • (10) The authors consider the latter mechanism preferable.
  • (11) F pili could be seen on cells of the latter strain but not on those of the parental strain or the strain bearing pColVF54 luminal diameter r. Pili other than F pili were not seen on cells of the strains bearing pF54 in either form.
  • (12) In the latter case, a sensitivity of 0.2 pCi l-1 is obtainable for 24-hr exposures.
  • (13) The corticotectal cells in the motor cortex differed from those in the premotor cortex in their size distribution; the former being small, the latter both small and large.
  • (14) In the case of the latter, it show either a more or less typical appearance of radicolography only or, more rarely, a picture which combines opacification of the epidural space with the subarachnoid passage of the contrast medium.
  • (15) Preventive care is closely linked with curative care, the latter must in future be mainly in the home rather than in hospital.
  • (16) TLC showed that the latter contained 2 components which had characteristics similar to TBOH and its metabolites, and thus were at least partly drug-related metabolites.
  • (17) The latter appears to reflect methodological problems since both fat-free determinations depend upon TBW rather than somatic proteins.
  • (18) However, our theory differs in several important respects from the latter efforts.
  • (19) These two latter techniques were developed in an attempt to restore normal left ventricular geometry.
  • (20) In the latter groups, specimens were taken from both polyp tissue and adjacent nasal mucosa.



  • (n.) That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of anything; the constituent elements of conception; that into which a notion may be analyzed; the essence; the pith; the embodiment.
  • (n.) That of which the sensible universe and all existent bodies are composed; anything which has extension, occupies space, or is perceptible by the senses; body; substance.
  • (n.) That with regard to, or about which, anything takes place or is done; the thing aimed at, treated of, or treated; subject of action, discussion, consideration, feeling, complaint, legal action, or the like; theme.
  • (n.) That which one has to treat, or with which one has to do; concern; affair; business.
  • (n.) Affair worthy of account; thing of consequence; importance; significance; moment; -- chiefly in the phrases what matter ? no matter, and the like.
  • (n.) Inducing cause or occasion, especially of anything disagreeable or distressing; difficulty; trouble.
  • (n.) Amount; quantity; portion; space; -- often indefinite.
  • (n.) Substance excreted from living animal bodies; that which is thrown out or discharged in a tumor, boil, or abscess; pus; purulent substance.
  • (n.) That which is permanent, or is supposed to be given, and in or upon which changes are effected by psychological or physical processes and relations; -- opposed to form.
  • (n.) Written manuscript, or anything to be set in type; copy; also, type set up and ready to be used, or which has been used, in printing.
  • (v. i.) To be of importance; to import; to signify.
  • (v. i.) To form pus or matter, as an abscess; to maturate.
  • (v. t.) To regard as important; to take account of; to care for.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is concluded that during exposure to simulated microgravity early signs of osteoporosis occur in the tibial spongiosa and that changes in the spongy matter of tubular bones and vertebrae are similar and systemic.
  • (2) The Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) is a dissecting system that removes tissue by vibration, irrigation and suction; fluid and particulate matter from tumors are aspirated and subsquently deposited in a canister.
  • (3) Cranial MRI revealed delayed myelination in the white matter but no brain malformation.
  • (4) Whittingdale also defended the right of MPs to use privilege to speak out on public interest matters.
  • (5) The findings confirm and quantitate the severe atrophy of the neostriatum, in addition to demonstrating a severe loss of cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter in HD.
  • (6) With respect to family environment, a history of sexual abuse was associated with perceptions that families of origin had less cohesion, more conflict, less emphasis on moral-religious matters, less emphasis on achievement, and less of an orientation towards intellectual, cultural, and recreational pursuits.
  • (7) I wish to clarify that for the period 1998 to 2002 I was employed by Fifa to work on a wide range of matters relating to football,” Platini wrote.
  • (8) The matter is now in the hands of the Guernsey police and the law officers.” One resident who is a constant target of the paper and has complained to police, Rosie Guille, said the allegations had a “huge impact on morale” on the island.
  • (9) Women who make their first visit during their first pregnancy are more likely than those who are not pregnant to receive a pregnancy test or counseling on matters other than birth control.
  • (10) After friends heard that he was on them, Brumfield started observing something strange: “If we had people over to the Super Bowl or a holiday season party, I’d notice that my medicines would come up short, no matter how good friends they were.” Twice people broke into his house to get to the drugs.
  • (11) In the subgroup of children under age 5 years at the time of diagnosis, 10 of 11 showed neuropsychologic deficits, and eight of 11 had white matter changes.
  • (12) "We understand that the matter is currently under review by the inspector general," Carney said.
  • (13) Cadavers have a multitude of possible uses--from the harvesting of organs, to medical education, to automotive safety testing--and yet their actual utilization arouses profound aversion no matter how altruistic and beneficial the motivation.
  • (14) It doesn’t matter when art was made; it’s all contemporary.
  • (15) The HKSAR government will continue to follow up on the matter so as to protect the legal rights of the people of Hong Kong."
  • (16) He said: "This is a wonderful town but Tesco will suck the life out of the greengrocers, butchers, off-licence, and then it is only a matter of time for us too.
  • (17) He was often detained and occasionally beaten when he returned to Minsk for demonstrations, but “if he thought it was professional duty to uncover something, he did that no matter what threats were made,” Kalinkina said.
  • (18) His wrists were shown wrapped in tape with “MIKE BROWN” and “MY KIDS MATTER” written on them.
  • (19) This isn’t a devolved matter, this is about when they come to our shores here, UK taxpayers and their ability to use UK services,” Creasy said.
  • (20) It’s not just a matter of will or gumption or desire on my part.