What's the difference between organization and treasurer?



  • (n.) The act of organizing; the act of arranging in a systematic way for use or action; as, the organization of an army, or of a deliberative body.
  • (n.) The state of being organized; also, the relations included in such a state or condition.
  • (n.) That which is organized; an organized existence; an organism
  • (n.) an arrangement of parts for the performance of the functions necessary to life.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The high amino acid levels in the cells suggest that these cells act as inter-organ transporters and reservoirs of amino acids, they have a different role in their handling and metabolism from those of mammals.
  • (2) These organic compounds were found to be stable on the sorbent tubes for at least seven days.
  • (3) The main clinical features pertaining to the concept of the "psycho-organic syndrome" (POS) were investigated in a sample of children who suffered from severe craniocerebral trauma.
  • (4) After 3 and 6 months, blood collected by cardiocentesis using ether anesthesia and then sacrificed to remove CNS and internal organs.
  • (5) Addition of phospholipase A2 from Vipera russelli venom led to a significant increase in the activity of guanylate cyclase in various rat organs.
  • (6) For the first time it was organized on the basis of population.
  • (7) Acceptance of less than ideal donors is ill-advised even though rejection of such donors conflicts with the current shortage of organs.
  • (8) There is no evidence that health-maintenance organizations reduce admissions in discretionary or "unnecessary" categories; instead, the data suggest lower admission rates across the board.
  • (9) We conclude that chloramphenicol resistance encoded by Tn1696 is due to a permeability barrier and hypothesize that the gene from P. aeruginosa may share a common ancestral origin with these genes from other gram-negative organisms.
  • (10) Recovery of CV-3988 from plasma averaged 81.7% for the column procedure and 40% for the organic extraction.
  • (11) One of the main users is coastal planning organizations and conservation organizations that are working on coral reefs.
  • (12) Infection with opportunistic organisms, either singly or in combination, is known to occur in immunocompromised patients.
  • (13) The causative organisms included viruses, fungi, and bacteria of both high and low pathogenicity.
  • (14) A chronic cannulation procedure is described which allows for sampling vomeronasal organ (VNO) contents repeatedly in freely moving conscious subjects.
  • (15) Neither Brucella organisms, nor increased numbers of neutrophils could be found in semen samples collected from the experimental animals.
  • (16) The lineage and clonality of Hodgkin's disease (HD) were investigated by analyzing the organization of the immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor beta-chain (T beta) gene loci in 18 cases of HD, and for comparison, in a panel of 103 cases of B- and T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) and lymphoid leukemias (LLs).
  • (17) A review is made from literature and an inventory of psychological and organic factors implicated in this pathology.
  • (18) The authors conclude that H. pylori alone causes little or no effect on an intact gastric mucosa in the rat, that either intact organisms or bacteria-free filtrates cause similar prolongation and delayed healing of pre-existing ulcers with active chronic inflammation, and that the presence of predisposing factors leading to disruption of gastric mucosal integrity may be required for the H. pylori enhancement of inflammation and tissue damage in the stomach.
  • (19) Data is available to support the early influences of enamel organ epithelium upon a responding mesenchyme in the determination of dental morphogenetic fields (Dryburg, 1967; Miller, 1969).
  • (20) The four deaths were not related to the injuries of parenchymatous organs.



  • (n.) One who has the care of a treasure or treasure or treasury; an officer who receives the public money arising from taxes and duties, or other sources of revenue, takes charge of the same, and disburses it upon orders made by the proper authority; one who has charge of collected funds; as, the treasurer of a society or corporation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is a tragedy that he abandoned Iraq, sacrificing the gains secured by American blood and treasure.
  • (2) Nicholas Shaxson – the author of Treasure Islands, a book about the world of tax evasion – described the demands as "incredibly powerful".
  • (3) After a brief review of the range of monitoring accessories, the author considers the problem of their hospital standardization (various needs of the different hospital units, diversity of the monitors, existence of central purchasing departments, pressure from the treasurer's office).
  • (4) The previous day in the Commons, Miliband had accused former Conservative party treasurer Lord Fink of tax avoidance and talked about “dodgy” donors.
  • (5) The treasurer, Joe Hockey, defended the government's planned changes to higher education during an appearance on the ABC's Q&A program on Monday night.
  • (6) That he was able to keep his secret treasures here, not in some remote corner of the globe but in the centre of the city that gave birth to the National Socialist movement, is both extraordinary and not short of a certain dark irony.
  • (7) The New South Wales and South Australian premiers have joined forces to tell treasurer Scott Morrison that finding extra federal funding to head off a looming hospitals and schools funding “cliff” is a “non negotiable” condition of their support for increasing the GST.
  • (8) It’s especially not appropriate for a citizen seeking election to this house or selection to the ministry canvassing for money and support to seek to damage individuals’ reputation by commencing court actions for what could only be an improper purpose.” Palmer said the former treasurer, Joe Hockey, had been staying at the resort at the time and “walked past the table” where they were sitting and “merely sat down to have a coffee”.
  • (9) Frankly, it is rather a shame that he does not fall under the Treasure Act (to do so he would have to be over 300 years old and be composed of more than 10% gold or silver).
  • (10) Darth Vader is no match for Treasure Island, Guardian 19 November 1983 In the early years, Stevenson did not consider Treasure Island one of his great achievements, perhaps because he did not have to work hard over it.
  • (11) A treasure trove of more than £1.7bn-worth of old masters paintings, Greek, Roman and Egyptian antiquities, ancient weapons and prehistoric archaeological items were allowed to be sold overseas in the year to May 2013, according to official statistics issued by the government .
  • (12) Turning on the community suggests they are spooked by the growing support to protect our national treasures.
  • (13) Treasurer Wayne Swan says largely because we have a fixed price in Australia's carbon pricing scheme to allow certainty for businesses having to make the transition.
  • (14) It is reluctantly forced to strip the UK of its treasured AAA rating when the government's growth forecasts have faced repeated downgrades and the upturn is out of sight.
  • (15) But if the coalition does keep together for four more years, then that's four more years of Lib Dem withering and four more years to gather a treasure chest to reward Tory voters.
  • (16) "The [Inupiat] people who have thrived off the Arctic waters for thousands of years and those who treasure the Arctic's unique wildlife will continue to demand that the Obama administration not allow Shell to move forward."
  • (17) The Treasurer Joe Hockey walks to a doorstop interview with the media this morning at the Ministerial entrance to Parliament House in Canberra, Tuesday 13th May 2013 Photograph: Mike Bowers, Guardian Australia There is a certain commonality associated with the annual rituals of the treasurer.
  • (18) Ambling along Long Beach, south of Tofino, exploring treasures in tidal pools can easily absorb days.
  • (19) Your commitment, passion and, crucially, skills will be treasured elsewhere.
  • (20) Back when he was a professor of economics at Australian National University, Andrew Leigh (now the federal shadow assistant treasurer) co-authored a study that found Chinese applicants must submit 68% more applications to get an interview than those with Anglo-Saxon names.