- (n.) An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted with the nonmetals, or metalloids. No sharp line can be drawn between the metals and nonmetals, and certain elements partake of both acid and basic qualities, as chromium, manganese, bismuth, etc.
- (n.) Ore from which a metal is derived; -- so called by miners.
- (n.) A mine from which ores are taken.
- (n.) The substance of which anything is made; material; hence, constitutional disposition; character; temper.
- (n.) Courage; spirit; mettle. See Mettle.
- (n.) The broken stone used in macadamizing roads and ballasting railroads.
- (n.) The effective power or caliber of guns carried by a vessel of war.
- (n.) Glass in a state of fusion.
- (n.) The rails of a railroad.
- (v. t.) To cover with metal; as, to metal a ship's bottom; to metal a road.
Compare metal with other words:
crystal vs. metal
bamboo vs. metal
metal vs. music
mesal vs. metal
metal vs. methal
meatal vs. metal
metal vs. petal
fetal vs. metal
meal vs. metal
mental vs. metal
metal vs. thrash
cognitive vs. metal
medal vs. metal
metal vs. voltagraphy
capsquare vs. metal
metal vs. metalliform
metal vs. metalman
fabrile vs. metal
metal vs. prickpunch
galvanography vs. metal
jetton vs. metal
metal vs. tertiate
ampyx vs. metal
kaligenous vs. metal
metal vs. quartation
eyebar vs. metal
hyperoxide vs. metal
metal vs. tailpiece
linkwork vs. metal
cementation vs. metal
metal vs. strapwork
metal vs. monometallic
metal vs. plater
metal vs. triblet
metal vs. metalline
metal vs. saccharate
metal vs. metallike
metal vs. smithing
metal vs. orpharion
metal vs. vivificate
metal vs. submetallic
liquation vs. metal
ductilimeter vs. metal
bracteate vs. metal
metal vs. mineral
metal vs. promote
apple vs. metal
character vs. metal
demonstration vs. metal
metal vs. stone
metal vs. rock
metal vs. metallize
metal vs. parrel
metal vs. methide
metal vs. sullage
backplate vs. metal
metal vs. metallography
metal vs. metalled
metal vs. tridentate
metal vs. metalliferous
aerugo vs. metal
bidentate vs. metal
lingot vs. metal
metal vs. revivification
hydria vs. metal
metal vs. metallurgist
metal vs. monetization
bronzine vs. metal
doorsill vs. metal
lorimer vs. metal
metal vs. platinoid
metal vs. tubbing
aiglet vs. metal
metal vs. quenching
drawbench vs. metal
hydrometallurgy vs. metal
marquetry vs. metal
brazing vs. metal
metal vs. planchet
metal vs. pan
metal vs. mezzotint
lorica vs. metal
bimetallism vs. metal
electroplate vs. metal
electroplating vs. metal
assayer vs. metal
metal vs. phototypography
metal vs. plating
batten vs. metal
metal vs. scorifier
metal vs. prill
clank vs. metal
anilide vs. metal
bimetallic vs. metal
hydrogenium vs. metal
metal vs. pyritology
metal vs. pyrognostics
bendy vs. metal
metal vs. scavenge
annealing vs. metal
metal vs. nibbler
galvanoplasty vs. metal
metal vs. metallist
metal vs. tweezers
metal vs. tribasic
metal vs. tetrabasic
metal vs. polybasic
metal vs. pentabasic
metal vs. monobasic
hexabasic vs. metal
dibasic vs. metal
flatting vs. metal
compensator vs. metal
metal vs. occlusion
meddle vs. metal
metal vs. sesquisulphide
metal vs. metalsmith
ironclad vs. metal
debasement vs. metal
metal vs. telluride
enamel vs. metal
jewellery vs. metal
electroscope vs. metal
debase vs. metal
cinder vs. metal
metal vs. thimble
metal vs. organometallic
metal vs. metalloid
matte vs. metal
metal vs. skewer
jingle vs. metal
lighting vs. metal
galvanize vs. metal
chelate vs. metal
metal vs. shaving
metal vs. pressing
clew vs. metal
metal vs. weld
metal vs. vitriol
metal vs. temper
metal vs. tarnish
metal vs. unalloyed
metal vs. transmutation
metal vs. pavonine
metal vs. straightedge
metal vs. urn
fettle vs. metal
alpenstock vs. metal
metal vs. sectility
caster vs. metal
hydroxide vs. metal
crucible vs. metal
metal vs. turning
carbonyl vs. metal
chill vs. metal
metal vs. smelting
metal vs. shako
metal vs. stereotype
foundry vs. metal
crocus vs. metal
metal vs. refinery
metal vs. mold
metal vs. metallurgy
metal vs. mixture
chisel vs. metal
distortion vs. metal
irony vs. metal
grinder vs. metal
metal vs. specie
metal vs. pivot
amalgamate vs. metal
metal vs. slag
coordination vs. metal
forgery vs. metal
foliation vs. metal
etch vs. metal
cleat vs. metal
metal vs. sprue
metal vs. scoria
chock vs. metal
amide vs. metal
javelin vs. metal
magnet vs. metal
metal vs. tegulated
ingot vs. metal
metal vs. truncheon
metal vs. roundel
jazerant vs. metal
bloom vs. metal
beak vs. metal
azoth vs. metal
metal vs. solder
geat vs. metal
gong vs. metal
gib vs. metal
ladle vs. metal
junction vs. metal
metal vs. shackle
amalgamation vs. metal
metal vs. token
crimp vs. metal
metal vs. scale
metal vs. sow
metal vs. smith
metal vs. via
gauze vs. metal
metal vs. sort
grain vs. metal
coppersmith vs. metal
metal vs. railroad
mercury vs. metal
beryllium vs. metal
lithium vs. metal
metal vs. potassium
metal vs. wire
metal vs. ore
metal vs. solenoid
brass vs. metal
make vs. metal
metal vs. metallic
metal vs. nonmetal
metal vs. mettle
glass vs. metal
argent vs. metal
metal vs. road
metal vs. tincture
hydrogen vs. metal
helium vs. metal
electricity vs. metal
conductor vs. metal
hard vs. metal
malleable vs. metal
metal vs. shiny
element vs. metal
metal vs. plate
metal vs. pig
iron vs. metal
metal vs. smelt
metal vs. shut
metal vs. saw
metal vs. ring
metal vs. weight
metal vs. sandbox
found vs. metal
mass vs. metal
eye vs. metal
colour vs. metal
alloy vs. metal
metal vs. tin
copper vs. metal
bronze vs. metal
handcuffs vs. metal
metal vs. nickel
metal vs. yet
gold vs. metal
metal vs. shuttle
metal vs. wood
metal vs. punk
metal vs. steel
flute vs. metal
acid vs. metal
color vs. metal
brown vs. metal